Chapter 2

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Lisa laughed continuously at me. Scaredly, I felt my heart beat wanting to explode. Lisa then got up and turned into a human. Confusingly, I stutter "What is happening?". "Oh you'll pay for everything you did to me Veronica!" Lisa replied walking closer to me.

Gradually, she continued walking up to me when she took a pillow and put it to my face. Indeed, I was struggling for air. Hurriedly, I grabbed something and hit her with it. Then, I got up from the bed and saw a door. As I was about to walk out the door, something grabbed my foot making me to fall hard onto the ground.

"Ah!" I exclaimed as Lisa smirked. "You abandoned me by your grandma's house and never came back huh, you'll pay," Lisa threatened as she walked closer to me. At this part, I was shocked my doll who I adored so much hated me. "Please stop!" I cried. Lisa laughed and out of no where she had a knife.

Lisa walked closer to me with the knife. Hopelessly, I tried to crawl out the room but unfortunately that didn't work. Lisa then held the knife closer to me. When suddenly
I heard a similar voice called out to me "Veronica! Veronica! Wake up!" My sister Vanessa. As I slowly opened my eyes, I spotted my sister and grandma waking me up.

Thankfully, I hugged Vanessa and grandma tightly. Wishing them a thank you for waking me up. They were confused, I told them what I dreamt and they let out a small laugh. "You have a wide imaginary" my grandma smirked. While on the bed, I saw Lisa.

At that moment, I didn't care to think. Instantly, I threw her into the garbage can. My fear for Lisa was just an hallucination. But I didn't want to see back her. With that being said, the other day when I visited my grandma.

Bravely, I threw away all my old toy's. I didn't want them to give me a heart attack the next time.

Thank you for reading!💜💖

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