Ch. 1 || BoBoiBoy Fire

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One word.


Boredom roamed around Blaze's head. His chin rested on the palm of his hand while his free hand made its way to the table, crumbled papers rustled from his movement and the near ones under his arm. His fingers tapping uncontrollably impatient followed by an irritated hum as if trying to drill his brain into coming up another mischievous and unpredictable prank nobody will least expect.

I mean, he is thinking up another 'unpredictable' mischief to pull in the household knowing Solar often calculated his pranks as if he foresaw the future of their younger brother to yet again pull another mischievousness and smugly fail the prank in the most miserable way.

It is torture he tells you!

It was early morning, and of all elements, the troublemaking element had awoke before their mother-like brother. Quake often wake up early in the morning to cook breakfast or sometimes, Thunderstorm. It had been a rule ever since by Quake, but Thunder barely complained, glad to know his earth brother had been letting off steams of stress lately ever since BoBoiBoy is their new elemental user, despite being still a little kid. A rule that whichever of these two eldest awoke first, it's a must they should start on making their breakfast feast for seven. Although, no matter how delicious the earth element's cooking is, he could never compete with Thunderstorm's cooking.

At least Blaze thought, already and immediately distracted from his main objective.

Footsteps faintly heard coming his way, and as they grew louder, they felt heavier, heavy sounding footsteps, but it doesn't emit any threatening sound, knowing Quake oftentimes is known for his ruthless behaviour when it comes to his siblings being ungrateful, unable to get along at one another and fighting amongst themselves.

Because oh boy do they want to see Thunderstorm unleash his fury and wrath on all six of them.

Not ever.

"Oh, Api?" Quake softly called out despite his voice seeming hoarse from being dry. It snapped Blaze back to his senses, and glanced behind him to see Quake in his first tier and teenager form which as if puberty hit him, wearing a lazy plain brown tank top and slight baggy pants, his brown dino hat right back on his head. As he squinted at the figure sitting on a chair, Quake decided to rub his eyes using his plain brown dirt rock arm to see better and to make sure he wasn't calling out the wrong element.

Blaze cringed internally as he watched the eldest smudge and knead his rocky finger on his eyelids. He knows Quake had already been used to wearing those heavy rock arms as if his own flesh and blood arms, even bringing it to bed and getting used to sleeping with it. But seriously, how does he not get teary from all the dustiness of his armor? Blaze mused to himself. Back on his senses and reopening his eyes, Quake landed his gaze on Blaze's teenage figure, though looking much younger than Quake, Thunderstorm and Cyclone. The earth element furrowed a brow, confused why the other hadn't said anything yet, knowing he's the loudest. But well, nevermind that, he thought, rubbing off suspicions about him and opened his mouth.

"Good morning Api." Quake greeted after a bit of awkward silence. A gentle smile immediately expressed from the eldest and Blaze, who glanced back at the other, not long found himself smiling back, his thoughts and plans of mischief all washed away with eagerness and happiness.

So much for being the playful and mischievous element.

"Morning Gempa!!" he responded a little too eagerly, waving a hand which was last positioned atop the table and his other hand now holding onto the edge of the chair. Quake could not help but smile brighter at the cheerful youngest sibling's antics, it often brought him smiles to see his youngest brothers to seem so calm and normal like they are before the start of the day. Quake walked closer to the table and where Blaze sat, peering over to what the fire element was doing before the eldest had gone up from his bed and head to the kitchen.

What if ..? || A BoBoiBoy Short Tale by hi_finnWhere stories live. Discover now