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You and Jack had just got off work. You too were on a show together and on the weekends you guys would watch movies together in the hotel.

Ur Pov:
When you got to the hotel the lady said I had a package and that they put it in my hotel room. I was so excited for what it could be, as we got to the rooms my package was on the coffee table in the center of the room
As i open it was a free a package from Pink there was lots of lingerie and perfume I wanted to try them all on so after i got more comfortable I pit on the first lingerie piece on and started to take pictures in the bathroom because there was a full length mirror in there
When trying the lingerie Jack came into my room to start the movie night but I didn't know he was in here until I feel like i was being watched

Jack's Pov:
I went to Y/n's room and start a movie when i didn't see her on the couch she is usually sitting there trying to find a movie but she wasn't so I went to her bed and that's when I saw her
She was perfect in her lingerie and looking beautiful I walked over to her and leaned on the door frame just staring in aww
She look at me through the mirror, my gaze went to her body to her eyes instantly being embarrassed and all i could do was stand there.

Ur Pov: 
I looked at him and walked over to him and stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips putting my arms around his neck him kissing me back putting his hands on waist sliding all over me.
He picked me up and put me on the bed without breaking the kiss. Him breaking the kiss for a moment to take off his shirt i also get the time turn us over now im on lap kissing him and grinding over him to create friction between our heats. As we start to take things off not fully naked I get on my knees to lick his tip, him rolling his head back and i put him all in my mouth bopping my head back in fourth him putting his hand on my head pushing me deeper on him. When he was close I stopped and pit a condom on his dick and slid it in me making moan. Sliding up and down on his dick making both us a moaning mess. Being so close to cum and trying to hold on a little longer bit he is kissing me on my neck putting hickeys all over me and massaging me boobs. Not much longer he cums before I do and then I cum second. I get off him and go to the bathroom and get clean up as he does the same we look at each other and get into bed to cuddle the he says he was a virgin.

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