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she stared at herself in the mirror, wondering if this was enough to drive him wild. her eyes wandered from her arms dangling by her side and her hand on her hip bone, laced in black. then to her collarbone where the silver chains rested and draped, down to her breasts; concealed by her rose-pleated bra, which barely covered her. dragging her eyes further down the middle of her abdomen, following her finger, now guiding her eyes, tracing along the tight strap of black that leads to the transparent cloth enveloping her lips. her nails dragging down her lips tracing the stretch marks on her thighs, to meet the top of thigh high socks, sliding her finger slightly along the inside, making them snap back tightly to her thigh. licking her lips in delight with a slight giggle and a curious smile, she throws a baggy sweatshirt over her slim figure and conceals her socks with long, loose sweats. no one could possibly know what was underneath, nor what she had planned on doing later that evening.

she walks to her cabinet in the corner of her small room with a duffle-bag. opening the cabinet, her eyes light up. inside was her fantasy, her greatest tools of pleasure. she knew she couldn't grab what she wanted, since he was a virgin to her lifestyle, so she took what would be soft for him. her eyes darting to an easy item, glistening black on one side, feeling the velvet on the other side; she removed the blindfold from the hook and slipped it into the bag. she then gripped the next item in her hand, sliding her palm along the rod, down to the red feathers which she caressed within her fingers. moving in the opposite direction along the staff, now playing with the slim silicone strands; dragging them across the back of her tender hand, she pulled back, and with a whip she hits her hand, snickers, and places the sensory tickler into her bag. her sense of control getting stronger, she grabs her next item. this time, the silver shines connecting two ends of black leather, red sprinkled in along the seams. she can hear the metal clanking against the restraints as she moves them from the cabinet next to the other items she's taking, handcuffs. her final item for the night she has planned is a tall dark bottle, slightly glistening on the outside from the sheen of oil since the last use. it reads "Edible Strawberry Oil". With her collection complete, she covered the items with clothes for the next day, a makeup bag, hairbrush, perfume, and a toothbrush.

With the first two steps of her night complete, she grabs her car keys and drives the 13 miles to his house. pulling into the driveway, her chest begins to warm, heart beating rapidly. he walks out of his house with a smile on his face, towards her car door, opening it as she turns off the engine. he greets her and asks how the drive was, she says "it was fine, nothing to complain about at least", simultaneously grabbing the duffle bag to her right in the passenger seat and exiting the car. she walks to the front door with him, locking her car, and clenching the leather straps of her night in her hand. 

making their way to his room, they make small talk about his family. his sister was spending the weekend at a friends house, while his parents went away for their anniversary weekend. she makes a mental note of how long she has to keep him in her control. once in the room, she places her bag close to the bed and sits on the grey bamboo sheets. she trails her hand along the cool sheets, imaging how her bare skin will feel laid on them. she composes herself and continues through the evening watching movies and conversing with him about nothing much. they eat a dinner of sushi, followed by boba tea and ice cream. after dinner, he goes to shower. this is her time to prepare for what she knows comes next. while the sound of water flows out of the bathroom, she unzips her bag, removing the handcuffs and placing them on the opposite side of the bed on the floor. she then places the oil on his nightstand behind a picture frame with a photo of the two of them from the previous Christmas. she places the blindfold and sensory rod next to the handcuffs, close enough to reach, but not in sight. she quickly removes her inconspicuous outfit, revealing her dark aura. the water from the shower drips to an end. it's time.

she stands in the middle of the room on the fur rug, breathing heavily, watching the bedroom door, waiting to pounce. he opens the door, with a towel covering his lower half, still wet from the shower. she stares at him, admiring him from the dim light in the room. his black hair slowly dripping onto his torso. the water flowing down his chest, outlining his abs, and finally disappearing onto the white towel. he looks towards her with his eyes widening, surprised by her transformation in a matter of minutes. he begins to speak, but she makes her way over to him, stopping him. her hand now has a hold of his neck, her thumb resting on his throat and her other fingers laced around towards the back of his neck. she looks at him piercingly with innocent, yet sinful eyes. her tongue is now tracing his lips and sliding into his mouth. his eyes closing, he grabs onto her bra strap with one hand, and grabs the back of her neck with the other. she stops kissing him and grabs his hand from her neck and drags him toward the bed, sitting him on the edge.

looking directly into his broad eyes, she falls onto her knees in-front of him. she now has both hands on either of his thighs, slowly moving the towel up. her lips kissing along his thighs as more is revealed, but stopping once it gets close to his pelvis. he sighs and rolls his eyes open. she climbs the edge of the bed, resting her ass on top of him, now straddling him. she grabs his saturated hair in one hand and tilts his head back, exposing his neck. she runs her tongue from his collarbone up towards his ear, circling his ear and slightly biting his earlobe. she whispers "you're mine tonight, and you are to listen to me, understood?". he inhaled deeply, letting his breath out in a sigh while saying yes.

she looks up from his neck and stares him directly in the eyes. she gets up from his lap and pushes him down onto the bed. she grips the edge of the towel that's wrapped around him and loosens it so it now just loosely covers him. walking to the opposite side of the bed, she grabs the blindfold. getting back on top of his lap, she dangles the blindfold from her long finger and smiles. he is looking at her expectantly. she tells him to sit up, so he does. she runs her hand through his hair, leading the back of the blindfold over his head, and pulling it over his eyes. with the blindfold on, she takes her hand and pushes him slowly back down. she is now leaning overtop of him, breathing with excitement. she leans forward, kissing his lips sensually. they breathlessly kiss for a moment, only stopping when she pulls back, saying "that's enough for now".her lips make their way to his neck, kissing slowly, moving down towards his broad shoulders, then towards his chest. her lips are guiding her now to his abs, and she begins to use her tongue to trace each individual indent on his abdomen. with her tongue still in control, she drags it back up towards his neck again. this time, she is grabbing each hand when she does so, guiding them over his head once she gets back to his neck with her mouth. she gathers both of his hands in one hand, and with the other she reaches to the side of the bed and grabs her leather handcuffs. with the metal of the chain that holds the restraint on either side clanking, she takes one of his hands and places it into one of the cuffs, tightening the leather and securing it with the fastener. with one cuff on, she leans back down and slowly kisses him, then lifts up and asks "are you okay so far?". he, again slightly breathless, whispers yes. knowing now, she secures the second cuff and places his hands lightly above his head. he writhes his hands around, feeling the leather wrapped around his wrists. he uses a finger to feel the metal chain that connects the cuffs together and then lets his hands rest again. with him now blinded and motionless, she knows the fun can begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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