Pea na low knee ant tea lean the young pin sun cong see me run the na ah knok knee yahh, the hill knee knok cow key see knee me run the young sun lie boat pea tone put way long e pone nahh pea raj knee ant tea lean the, nahh knok ahh log i do on say lie code ng cab been net knee ant tea lean the.
Key nah saw hon knee lahh see ant tea lean the ng key song pah nana kit ng but ahh, key yahh knok cow long see yahh. Pea raw e sang a raw lung, the hill ahh knok knee yahh nah man see me run the.
See mall lah noon, thee nahh o light nag nahh cow see me run the.
Sun nahh, two lah run knee you see yahh.
Mug an the poohh nahh ahh raw za lahh hot.