r e a l i t y

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ginny looked at her phone and felt numb. even though she knew things have been off with her and harry, it still hurt to know that he could possibly be catching feelings for one of ginny's new best friends.

"ginny?" hermione knocked.

ginny opened the door to see her friend with a grocery bag full of snacks.

ginny let her in and they sat down on the hotel bed.

"you okay?" hermione asked.

"not really." ginny said. "even though my feelings for harry were drifting, it still hurts."

"i know, and you have every right to hurt. what harry did was wrong and i'm going to kill him for it." hermione said, ripping open a bag of candy and handing it to ginny.

"do you think i should break up with him?" ginny asked.

"i think you should do whatever your gut is telling you. do you want to break up with him?"

"i don't want to stay with someone who i don't have feelings for," ginny said.

"then i think you've got your answer." hermione said with a soft smile.


ginny called harry, asking him to come to her hotel room.

once he got in there, ginny started talking.

"harry, i think we should break up." ginny said.

harry looked wounded and offended. "ginny, about that post—"

"harry, i don't care about the post. i don't feel jealous. we both know that our relationship isn't going to work out, this long distance isn't going to work out."

"so move back." harry said.

ginny shook her head. "harry, i love new york. i'm not leaving. i'm not breaking up with you because of long distance, i'm breaking up with you because i'm losing feelings." ginny said.

"what can i do to make it better?" harry asked, tears glistening in his eyes.

"to accept the fact that this isn't working. harry, i want you to be happy, and if daphne makes you happy, then go for her!" ginny said, giving harry a watery smile.

tears slide down harry's face before he pulled ginny into a hug.

"i'm sorry." he said.

ginny pulled away. "now go ask daphne out."

"who ever said i liked her?"

"harry, don't play dumb."

harry's cheeks turned red. "fine. i'll do it tomorrow."

"good." ginny said.

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