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Narutos pov:
1 can barely feel anything nor can I barely see "menma" I whisper can't really speak and knowing he's right next to me he then answered "yes mama?" I put my hand up to his face caressing his cheek before I spoke we heard the rain start to fall outside
(PPFT - the classic sad rain scene idk why people think the rain is something sad I love the rain anyways
ignore me c
Menmas pov :
As the rain my mother spoke "I love you so much menma I'm sorry for making you go thru this you will always be my baby and I will be in your heart and better take care of yourself" she told while smiling and tears
falling out her eyes then tears fell out of mine
"Don't worry mama I will take care of myself and its not your fault mama and I love you" I said while putting my head on her chest and listen to the heart beat that I loved oh so much die
As mama's warmth and grip on my hand goes away I sit up and her hands on her hands on her chest and say
"good bye mama I will see you again one day and u may you rest in peace" and I say a prayer she looks like she's in a peaceful sleep and just as beautiful as ever
( guys menmas 13 rn c:)
I call a servant and for them to tell mv father and brothers that mother has passed

Narutos pov:1 can barely feel anything nor can I barely see "menma" I whisper can't really speak and knowing he's right next to me he then answered "yes mama?" I put my hand up to his face caressing his cheek before I spoke we heard the rain start...

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Credit to:BriannaBaker04

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