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So before This starts I gotta say that I am not a pro writer and that the names and base story comes from mlp and all content is owned by their original owners. Don't wanna be sued now xD Hope you enjoy this fanfic, it is my first one after all. Thanks for reading in advance! :3

//                                                                                                                                 \\

            Her eyes were determined. They glowed a light blue, the same color as the sky behind her. Her wings glistened with a light mist whenever she beat them. Yea I know this might seem a bit cliché but hey it was love at first sight or whatever. She was gorgeous and powerful. She seemed dangerous and reckless. My eyes wanted her, but my body wanted to break her and make her mine. As soon as everyone started cheering she gave an excited grin and smirked at the trash talk coming from her competitors. With a loud *swoosh* the racers take off and charge through the course. She breaks for the lead swooping through cloud rings and swerving around long cumulus. Her wings seem tired and her opponents burst past her. Her eyes piercing with a lively fire. She zoomed down, gaining immense speed. Speed like I’ve never seen before, zipping past the opposition she hit first till one nudged her and mumbled something that ended in “Rainbow Crash!” That had to be her name! I knew her name now! I was so happy that I almost missed the biggest moment in history. With anger stemming from the trash talk she flew faster than anybody I had ever seen, then…BOOM! The burst of light was so intense so, crazy that I thought my eyes would explode from the sheer display. That burst was backed by a force powerful enough to knock me off my cloud. *Damn! That was SO AWESOME!*  Wings beat the air to keep me afloat and see the finish. She had beaten them she had beaten every person in the race and came out on top! This girl I barely knew the name of had just flew her way into my heart. Cheesy? Yea I know, but it’s not like I like her or anything, she was just really cool ya’ know? Like dang, this girl is crazy cool. Whatever…

//                                                         10 years Later                                                             \\

            Graduating from the Wonderbolts academy and finally gaining my goal of earning my official flight suit, and being inaugurated as a Wonderbolt. You have no idea how happy I was. Like seriously this was awesome. “I should get Big Mac and Spike on the phone and go party in Canterlot!! HELL YEA!!”

After calling the crew we met up outside of Twilight Sparkles house. “Yo, Spike you work here right?” I asked, legitimately wondering. “Yea dude, its kinda weird, but overall it’s pretty legit. I mean, ever since Twilight came here she’s really opened up and a lot more outgoing. Before in Canterlot, you do not want to know how whiny and hermit like she was, really she was bad, funny, but bad. Hahaha,” Spike chuckled out. *Heh,* this little Dragon-born is one of my best friends and ever since he moved here a couple years back we’ve hung out whenever his boss/friend lets him off.

            “Eee-yup,” Big Mac said. Big Mac, this big burly bro is also one of my best friends. He may be big and strong but he rarely talks unless spoken to. Maybe he had some kind of traumatic deal when he was a kid, whatever. “Guys I gotta tell you something…” I hung my head low when I said this, trying to make them anticipate what was coming next. *pause for dramatic effect* I thought then yelled “I’M A WONDERBOLT!”

Spike laughed, and Mac hit me on the back making me almost fall. “Dude, Blitz, that’s great! You'll be flying like WOOSH and BABABAM! Man whenever I tell Rainbow Dash, she’s going to flip!” spike chuckled out.

Rainbow…Dash? I could have sworn I’ve heard that name before. Immediately my mind shot me back to my childhood when I saw that one girl who made a sonic rainboom…could they be connected? But her name was Rainbow Crash right? Were they related? “Rainbow who?” I asked. “Rainbow Dash, dang dude, pay attention. Get your head out of the clouds, oh wait you can’t because you’re a flyer!” he laughed out. His jokes are really bad…

We entered the little diner. Spike puffed up his chest and belted out, “I’ll have a round here for me and my friends! Today, I’m feeling generous.” This kid sure knows how to make an entrance. As we ate our doughy goods we talked, caught up and just hung out like the good old days. But I still couldn’t get her out of my mind. Her face, her determination, her passion for speed, all of it was just so ingrained into my mind so that I couldn’t forget. I wanted to know if this girl was her.

The next day was filled with training. The officers and higher-ups laid out what was to be expected of me, what my uniform was supposed to look like, what my routes were for patrol. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. What the fuck am I supposed to do while I cant concentrate? I made a pact with myself to look for her after my rounds.

I ended up back in front of Twilight’s house knocking on the door. “Oh, hey there! I didn’t expect a full-fledged Wonderbolt to show up at my house in full uniform. My my what brings you here?” She asked with curious eyes. “Oh…um…May I speak to Spike?” “Spike? Oh you must be his friend! Ah. Okay. Okay, I’ll get him.” She blushed a bit as she said this. Why was she blushing? I don’t understand these kinds of girls.

“Yo! Whats up Blitz? Snazzy uniform by the way. Makes you look quick. Like dang even Twilight said you look sex-“ Spike was cut of mid-sentence by a yell and a hand that came out of nowhere like lightning and grabbed his mouth. “SPIKE!! So sorry about that…umBlitz was it? Yea hold on I need to speak with spike about something REALLY important really quickly hehehe~.” She walked with Spike to the back of her library and I heard some tussling and apologies going around…weird… After a bit Spike walked back over rubbing his head. “Sorry about that Blitz. Twilight apparently didn’t want me telling you about…um nothing never mind. What’s up?” I saw Twilight from behind a shelf staring at Spike menacingly. I guess his boss is rough. “Oh um, yea about that dude I’m here to ask if you knew where that girl um Rainbow Dash lives? I kinda want to check something out.” His smile grew until it was the smile of a very creepy old man. “Yea~ like that’s the ONLY reason you want to see her. YOU LIKE HER DON’T YOU! HAHAHAHA,” the kid really knows how to push it doesn’t he. “NO! I JUST WANT TO TALK TO HER! DON’T THINK TO MUCH INTO IT! SERIOUSLY BRO WHY WOULD I LIKE SOME CHICK I DON’T EVEN KNOW! PSSH AND WHATS SO GREAT ABOUT HER? SO SHE CAN MAKE A SONIC RAINBOOM SO WHAT ITS NOT LIKE THAT’S THAT COOL OR ANYTHING!” It looks like I yelled that entire statement spike seemed a little put off. “Dude check yourself. Seriously man calm down I was just messing around. Any way she lives up in Cloudsdale. But you might want to-“ *Woosh* I flew up as fast as I could. I had to get there as fast as I could. “HEY A LITTLE ‘THANK YOU’ WOULD BE NICE YA’ KNOW!”

The wind flew past my hair the rainbow colored locks pulling back due to the couple G’s I was pulling. I love flying, the rush, the speed, the air flow, the lack of gravity! It makes me excited whenever I flap my wings. I love the air. And even more do I love cloud swimming, when a flyer can actually rest and just relax in the clouds only we can walk on (without magic that is). But now was not the time for that. I wanted to see if she was the girl I knew and had seen so long ago. This incessant burn in my head, the eagerness to see her face to face after so long is unbearable, I just wish that she would be able to remember me. What would I do if she didn’t. Hell why would she? We’ve never even talked before. She probably will call me stupid or think I'm weird. That’s the only conclusion. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!?

As I burst through another cloud, I saw Cloudsdale. Shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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