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Billys pov
It's been two days. Days. She's still asleep. I haven't moved from my spot and neither has Stu. Her hand hasn't left mine. "When do you think she'll wake up?" He asks me. I sigh "I don't know but hopefully soon." Kissing her knuckles. The sheriff is still sniffing around her trying to say she did this. Which she did but we will never say that. He tries to pressure us into Turing on her but we won't. "Ow" a voice says and she starts to move and I stop her "sweetheart don't move okay. You've been through a lot" pressing the button for the nurse "B?" She asks groggily and I smile "im here court."

She smiles "Stu" he smiles "glad you're okay court" I help her sit up and she mutters "what did I miss?" "Just the sheriff asking questions trying to blame this on you" I reply and she rolls her eyes "I almost die and he thinks it's my fault? What kind of shit is that?" I pull her into a kiss and she melts into me tugging me closer her fingers in my hair I mutter against her lips "I love you" she smiles "I love you Billy"

The door opens and the doctor comes in and explains her injuries and care and then the sheriff comes in and dismisses the doctor "you two can go" he says to me and I reply "I'm not leaving her. She almost died and is awake finally." He rolls his eyes "fine" "what happened that night of the murders?" He questions.

"Neil Prescott happened" she says. She asks "did anyone else make it? Get out?" Worry lining her voice. God she's good. He shakes his head "no one" she wipes a tear that falls "last thing I remember was him telling me he knew about Maureen and my father and me existing. He was angry. He chased me out of the house and that's when Dewey came. I tried to warn him. Tell him to leave but-" she sobs. I glare at the sheriff and hand her a tissue and she uses it "she didn't do this sheriff. You're causing her distress which isn't good for her in her condition" she freezes "y-you think I did this? Sheriff I  didn't, I swear" he says "I'm going to need to know who you were with and exactly what happened at that party" she tells him "a bit is still fuzzy to me but I can try" he nods. She continues "we set up at my house for the party. It was the second anniversary of me losing my family and...last year I was depressed and didn't leave my bed for that entire week. So Stu and billy had the idea of the party and taking my mind away from it. Everything was fine until billy and I got caught having sex by Sidney. We um...we never wanted to hurt her, but people in love do stupid things. Uhhh I think she hung out with Stu. Her and billy went to talk and then I was with Stu. Everyone but our friends left." "Who stayed?" He asks. "Stu, Billy, Sidney, Tatum, Randy. Dewey was there outside keeping watch gale weathers was there too" she lists and he nods. "When did Neil show up?" He questions. "I went to the bathroom and came back and everything was wrong... we were just going to watch a movie. Tatum was getting us more drinks and never came back, Dewey left with Gale because he got a report about Neil's car in the area. I found Randy dead on the couch and was upset. Billy was hurt, Stu was hurt. They told me to run so I did. I wanted to find Dewey. The phone wasn't working at that time" she retells.

"What else do you remember?" He asks and a tear falls from her eye "I found umm...I think his name was Kenny, dead. I kept looking for Dewey" "what was Neil doing?" He asks and I reply "he showed us who he was. Sidney was upset. Asked why. He was waiting to continue until she came back...knowing how she is as a person he knew she'd have come back for us. We told her not to but she did." "I found Dewey and Gale dead on the porch...I tried the radio but the wire was cut" she sniffles and adds "I got taken while walking away. I was going to run to the neighbors house for the phone. But he had come out and knocked me unconscious" the sheriff asks "and when you woke?" He asks "when did he allegedly do this?" Showing her a picture of Sidney dead in the tree and she cries "stop it! Please" I snap "she's been through enough sheriff. She doesn't need to see that and I'd like it if you didn't show it to me either. Sidney was my girlfriend before I fell for Courtney" I kiss her temple and mutter "do you want to continue? You don't have to do this right now and push yourself darlin" stroking her hair and Stu replies "want some water or something? Billys right you shouldn't force yourself to relive what happened so soon" giving her hand a squeeze "I know but I want everyone to know what happened that night"

she pauses "he revealed that I was Maureen's bastard child. Sidney's twin. I've known for years and I tried for a relationship but sadly Maureen didn't want anything to do with me. It upset me but I left it alone. I love my mother and always will I just thought maybe the woman who gave me away would want to talk to me atleast but she didn't. Sidney didn't want to believe it...I mean who would. He was mad at me and billy for doing what we did. He was mad at me because of who my biological mother is. He confessed to killing Maureen. Cotton weary is innocent. And he was mad at Sidney for loving billy. Said he raised her better than that. And he took her...that was the last time I saw her alive sheriff"

Another tear falls "he said...the whores seed doesn't deserve a family or friends" the sheriff nods "he came back and stabbed me. Told me he was going to do it slow...to make me pay for what my father did...Stu and billy attacked him and I ran for the phone and called for help." She sniffles. And I kiss her hand "it's okay. Let it out" "what happened?" He asks her. "We fought for the gun but we were too weak. He heard the sirens and he said he's not going down for it and shot himself" she replies.

"I didn't kill anyone sheriff." She replies and he reaches and pats her hand "and I know that now. I'll make a call to the prison about cotton weary. He'll be freed soon. Rest up. All of you." And he walks out and down the hall and she wipes her eyes "how'd I do?" I chuckle "perfect" Stu says "even I was buying it" she asks "what's next?" "We finish school and go to college and live our lives" I reply and say "I'm sorry"

"What for billy?" She asks confused "I went too deep and you died. You were dead in the ambulance next to me. Baby you're missing an organ now and part of another because of me and-" she kisses me cutting me off and she pulls away "I don't blame you billy. At all. If anything this just gave me a better alibi and reason it's not me" I kiss her "don't ask me to hurt you again." She grins "never"

She sees the look on my face "what?" "I have a question. I know people will talk and I don't care. I love you and I have since I was a boy and didn't know what I was feeling. I was going to wait but almost losing you has made me want to do this more than ever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The good and bad days. And everything in between. I'm asking if you'd be my wife" pulling out the ring "baby I know it's not much but one day it will be" she tells me "shut up" and kisses me deeply and I chuckle into the kiss and she pulls away "yes. Of course I'll marry you" and I kiss her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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