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The whole day dragged. First period was...well.. boring. As was second. The only lessons I found remotely interesting were Lesso's. Surprised? Not really.During the whole lesson she wouldn't even look at me, but I could feel her eyes on me as I took notes. Everything was just slow. I decided to skip the specialised class (I know, how evil of me) - my ribs throbbing at my every movement.

And this was how it continued for weeks. Months. Years. That's an exaggeration if you couldn't tell. It's been like two months. My wound eventually healed, I even made a few friends, but Lesso still avoided me. So I started avoiding her.

It's a petty game I know, but I can't resist.

Until one day the tingling sensation in my fingers got the best of me. I wanted to make the suit I was so inspired to design on my first day here. I don't really know what made me want to - I just remember waking up with the overwhelming urge to create. To design something. But this would mean I needed her measurements. I could always eyeball it. And that's exactly what I planned to do.

During the lesson I would steal glances at her figure when she wasn't looking. Noting down averages - numbers scrawled down the side of my page. It's not like she'll ever see or wear the suit so who cares? Me. I care. I sound like an Ever. Gross.

As well as this I participated more in class - eager to rebuild a chance at friendship? Cringe. Whatever relationship a teacher and student are supposed to have. And to receive the academic validation I so greatly crave. Although we didn't talk, Lesso would leave comments of affirmation on my work. We're even at a point where she'll call on me in lesson for answers.

She still calls me DeVil though. Never Y/N. Maybe I'm not as much of a fuckup as I thought. So the days started to drag less. She would hold eye contact with me - blue eyes drowning me time and time again.

At mealtimes I'd sit with Hester, Dot, Anadil and Hort - they would even sneak into my room (as it is the largest), after curfew and stay the night. It was fun. They know I'm designing Lesso a suit, although they've never seen it. They also know I'll never give it to her. They never press the matter too hard. I respect that.

And even though Lesso will never see it, I stay up extra late watching my creation, my ideas come to life in front of me. When I finally fall asleep, it would be at my desk, head atop piles of fabric. Always thinking of her wearing my clothes. It reminds me of home - late nights spent plotting with my mother and Arty.

I'm unsure as to what I feel towards Lesso. I don't usually dream of people or think about them half as much. Consequently, I shove these feelings deep into the back of my mind.

One day, Professor Dovey and Lady Lesso announced a ball would be taking place as a reward for working so hard. It would take place in two weeks time. Hester, Dot, Anadil and Hort came straight to me - begging that I make them something. As did many others. My reputation precedes me I suppose.

I refused many. Theres only so much I can do in two weeks. Plus I'm supposed to be evil. But I spent this time making my closest friends and I the most fabulous outfits I could muster. I was finally finished. The night before the ball and they came to try them on.

"Oh. My. God. I look fabulous! But in an evil wayyy." Dot exclaims. Anadil laughs at this before turning to me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." She breathed out, hugging me.

"It's no problem Anadil."

"We are going to look so good." Hester grins.

And the rest of the night is spent giggling my room, exited for the ball. I can only hope Lesso will be there - she doesn't seem the party type. I also know Evers and Never will be mixed. Interesting.

"Y/N? Are you listening?" Hort questions, pulling me from my thoughts.

I scratch my head. "Sorry, I zoned out again."

"Bet you were thinking of her." Anadil says, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.


"Lady Lesso. You're like obsessed Y/N. I know you're making her a suit but you still look at her like she's the most important thing in this god forsaken world!" Hester laughs.

"Hey! In my defence, you don't turn down inspiration when it presents itself." I explain in an attempt to save myself.

They all raise their eyebrows, smirk, look at each other, then back at me. The gesture reminds me of Lesso. Just proving their point further but okay Y/N. "Fine. Okay. Maybe I was thinking about her." I say rolling my eyes.

"Ha! I knew it! Y/N has a crush! Y/N has a crush!" Hester cackles.

"Can we see it?" Dot interjects. I tilt my head in confusion. "The suit Y/N." She rolls her eyes and grabs my hands - pulling me from the bed. She drags me over to the locked wardrobe.

"Please." Joins Anadil.

"Yeah c'mon Y/N, don't gatekeep." Hester adds. Sighing I pull the chain from underneath my shirt - key hanging from it. They start screaming excitedly as I unlock the door.

"No touching." I explain sternly.

"Yes ma'am." They say in union. I laugh and open the door. Hester gasps - as do they others. They admire it in silence, mouths agape.


"So! Why did you hide this from us?" Hort exclaims.

"Yeah Y/N?" Dot and Anadil agree.

"Lady Lesso would be a ten out of ten in that suit." Hester whispers in my ear. I smile and look at my creation.

"Yeah, she really would." I agree. Shell never wear it though. Never even see it.

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