Chapter 1

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It opens on the wedding ceremony after I.M.P crashed it retrieving Moxxie and leaving via helicopter. Chaz looking nervously as he is sweating bullets at Crimson who has a blank yet angry look on his face.

Chaz:uh...hehe ok ok I...I know you're pretty mad right now about this whole fraud thing and me being broke with no money but if you give me a chance to explain myself I'm we'll-

Crimson growled as he pulled out a gun and shot at Chaz. The screen turned completely white as it shows the silhouettes of Chaz, Crimson, and Alessio as it showed that Crimson seemingly shot Chaz in the head.

 The screen turned completely white as it shows the silhouettes of Chaz, Crimson, and Alessio as it showed that Crimson seemingly shot Chaz in the head

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However the screen returned to color as it showed Crimson barely missed and only shot Chaz's hat off as he sees this with the look of fear on his face. He then ran for his life as Crimson fired more shots at him.

Chaz: *hyperventilating* oh shit...oh fuck....oh fuck

Crimson: *to Alessio* Roundup a new posse, find him! I want dat shit talking fuck's jaws on my wall today!!


Both he and Crimson walked off

Crimson:While ya at it, get someone to clean up this fucking mess

It pans to Chaz who's hiding nearby holding his mouth in fear. He then notices a dead shark nearby and he got an idea as he goes to pick up and dragged the body as well as picking up a harpoon


He edvenully reached a car as he brought the body in the car in the driver seat before then trying to hot wire the car

Chaz:Come on....come on...*he edvenully got the car to start* yes! *he said as he drove off*

Later it showed Chaz getting chased by the other members of Crimson's mafia

Shark:get that mother fucker! *he shouted as he and the other all fired at the car*

It then cut to the inside of the car as it showed Chaz in the passenger seat in nothing but his boxers as the dead shark was wearing his clothes as it's foot was pinned under a rock as it was stepping on the gas, they were drying towards one of the factors Chaz then turned towards it and jamed the harpoon in it before jumping out the window into a bush as he then tumbled into the water below. The car continued driving towards the factory as it broke through a gate before it flipped before it then exploded as the mobsters surrounded the area

Alessio: *he gets out of the car as did the others* go make he's dead for sure

It showed back to water as Chez was watching from afar before diving into the water and swam off. It then showed back to the mobsters as then were carrying the dead body while Alessio was on the phone with Crimson.

Alessio:Boss we got him, no he offed himself but we found the body, of course we'll bring it back to you *he hung up* load it up into the car.

It later showed at a different part of greed as Chaz emerged from the lake he was in and crawled onto land as he laid on his back panting, after a moment he stood back up again as he walked towards a brick wall and sat down against it as he started to tear up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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