...A Beginning...

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7 years Ago

It was a calming gray morning in the wizarding world of Brittan. In a forest area was a young girl who was skipping around a searching around. Now if someone was to ask what she was searching for they'd get the answer of "searching for Nargles".

Now, while most witches and Wizards would find that odd or weird or flat out not natural *cough* even though they were literally magic users *cough cough!!*, it was perfectly normal to a six-year-old Luna Lovegood. The young girl had recently come back to Brittan after going to visit a dear aunt of her mother's. The woman was on her last days, and a few days into the visit she had sadly gone into what muggles called "cardiac arrest". It was a bit frightening for Luna, for she knew about death and how one day it would be their turns and all...but to see it up close and personal was something else. While it was a bit sad, it was her mother Pandora, that was taking the loss harder than Luna or her husband Xenophilius.

Not wanting to let his daughter see her mother this upset, Xenophilius told Luna to go and see if she could find any Nargles in the forest near their home. Luna obeyed and was on her merry way without a care in the world. It had been a few hours since then, yet she was still determined to find a Nargle, yet as she was on the search she happened to hear what sounded like a whinny, but somehow more shrilling than how a unicorn would sound. With the noise, Luna looked up towards the sky as a dark figure was flying above. Getting a closer look, she saw that it was a horse type of creature that was purely black and had long bat-like wings. Even more on further inspection, the creature's bones could be seen through the skin such as its skull, ribs, spine, legs, and much more. It had two horns on its head and even had a whip-like tail.

This new creature fascinated Luna to where she began to follow it as it was gliding above her

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This new creature fascinated Luna to where she began to follow it as it was gliding above her. When she would return back home, she would learn that the creature was called a Thestral, but that would be when she was home. Now at the moment, she had followed the creature to a clearing showing a sparkling lake where even more creatures just like it was all gathered around. While she was curious of these new creatures, she was also cautious to not just approach them and try to pet them (even though she really wanted to), she thought to be polite and give them their space for now. Even more so, it seemed that the one that she had followed was nudging its head towards the lake, almost as if telling her to look there.

Looking out towards the lake, she actually witnessed how the water was going in two separate directions. While one part went left, the other went right, leaving an actual opening in the middle. As all the water was spitting apart to leave a dry piece in the center, Luna heard from in the lake another cry from a Thestral. As she got closer to the opening of the Lake, she saw how almost from out of nowhere a Thestral was coming forward slowly out from the lake. This intrigued Luna to how it had gotten there, yet all of her focus went to what was behind the creature. For holding onto its tail was a somewhat fit yet scrawny silver haired boy wearing what looked like tattered up rags almost making him look like a very tall house elf. It was as if the creature was leading the boy out of the lake. What made this even more interesting to Luna was how the boy never looked up at all until the Thestral had come to a complete stop where it had placed him right in front of Luna.

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