7 - Date! Pt. 2

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Douxie's POV
After we got back to the castle and went to his room. We both sat down next to his window seat since i wanted to look outside.

When you're living in the palace, you have the best view afterall.

"The view from up here is amazing." I said, then turned my head to Krel. Admiring him lovingly.

"Yeah i guess. The earth has far more beautiful sights."

"Oh, for example?"

"Sunsets are pretty, lakes covered in sparkling dust and-" he suddenly stopped.


"Er..hehe nothing." He laughed nervously.

"Come on tell me."


I wanted to hear the answer but looks like he doesn't wanna say it. Is it something I would find weird?

"Doesn't matter, let's go on the balcony and watch the stars." He suggestes as he stood up and went to open up his balcony.

"So what's so special about stars tonight rather than hearing your favorite sights on Earth?" I teased.

"Stars are different than from the one you can see on Earth, you can see some planets and really close the stars." His eyes sparkled while looking at the night sky.

"I see. They are beautiful." I say but i was still looking at him, his eyes sparkling, he is far more beautiful than any of these things.

He notices me looking at him and gets embarrassed.
I giggled at his cute expression.

"There's no need to get embarrassed my prince." I say and decided to do something bold. I kissed him on the cheek.
He blushed even more. Can he get any cuter? I smiled happily at him.

"W-what was that for and why do you keep calling me that?" He says still blushing.

"You just looked so cute right now, i couldn't resist and you're a prince, but you're my prince." I say with a smirk.

"Why are you so, what do people call it, they mention cheese for some reason. But you are cute too you know." At first i wanted to laugh but what he said first but i couldn't duo to the second thing. He left me stunned for a second.

"Hey, wanna see a cool trick?" I ask him, he nodded excitedly.

I swirled my hands a bit and in my hands appeared a few stars along with constellations.


"Yeah, these are the famous constellation you can see on Earth."

"Where? Show mee." He says like a small excited child and clinged to me closer to see it better.

I started showing him some constellations and explained to him how you can easily find them every night.

"That is so cool Douxie."

"Can you show me one more trick?" He asks.

"Of course. Watch closely." I say.

I put my hands together, clap them two times and magic appeared, suddenly creating a bouquet of roses in my hands.

"For you my prince." I say as i handed them to him.
He stared wide eyed with a smile on his face. Happily taking them and smelling them.

"Thank you. These are wonderfull, what are they?" He asks. I look suprised for a moment. He didn't know?

"They are called roses. They came in different colors and each color has a different meaning." I explain.

"Oh i see. These are red. What does that color mean?"

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