This story is about an orphan girl with such a disgraceful foster mother , y/n michisaku who was just a sweet little girl , abandoned by her parents at just 1 week old, they left her at the doorsteps of her "mother" and said "I never wanted to gi...
As you ran to catch up with the two men you weren't looking where you were going and tripped over a rock,A ROCK A FRIKIN ROCK LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!!! You thought to yourself as a strong hand catches you from falling of flat onto your face,you then look up at your savior and you notice how close your faces are your noses almost touching,your face turns a scarlet red .You then open your eyes to meet worried ones and say "Ugh my head hurts so much and my legs are aching..." then you notice that you're in a bed it soft comfy and feels like your floating on feathers,then you look down and see that your clothes were CHANGED.then you look back at Rengoku OH FRICK I MIGHT JUST FAINT AGAIN OH CRACKER JACKERS .you thought to yourself.Then you ask "Mr.Rengoku who changed my clothes?"he replied with "Oh that,one of my female colleges changed your clothes." I reply with a relieved nod. He then said "I would need to be heading to work now." You noted that down in your head ,and said "what about me ?" He then replied with" You can just do what ever you want as long as you don't bug others for no reason." You noted that down and noded.He then left the room and his fiery cape left a trial of almost no so real sparkles.
Hiiii! Author San here! How are you! Here are some pics of our bb Rengoku from the story!
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