Chapter I: Before history

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We all know the legends of the brothers, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. They are the most powerful gods in Greek mythology, but there was more history before them. One less known in Greek mythology.

Long ago, long before gods and peace, there was caos. In a world without peace and quiet, where instead of gods, there were titans, ruled by the most powerful and dangerous titan of all, Kronos. Every time his wife, Rhea, was pregnant, he swallowed his kids immediately when they were born. But, one of the son's got out safely, Zeus. Rhea, gave birth to Zeus in a cave where no one could find her, then she fooled Kronos with a rock in a blanket, so that he though it was Zeus. When Zues grew up he plan something that would change history. He was ready for revenge, he was coming to safe his siblings.

His plan was to poison his dad. He sneaked where his dad normally ate, and put poison in his food. Since gods and titans are immortal, he got really sick that made him vomit and get his siblings back. They all wanted to kill him because he was evil and dangerous. So they teamed up and defeated Kronos by breaking him into pieces and hiding them in the deepest part of the Underworld. His spirit is still alive but it's too weak to help Kronos escape.

After Kronos was defeated, Zeus became the new king of the universe. Poseidon ruled the seas and the horses. Lastly, Hades ruled the underworld making the souls of the humans suffer and protecting Kronos' pieces from being freed to the world.

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