Chapter 5

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Mila took a leftover pizza from the fridge and put it in the microwave to heat it up for Dylan. It has only been 3 minutes since she's been downstairs. She heard a noise and the front door suddenly opened as her parents entered the house.

'oh god' she panicked. "Omg finally you guys took forever, why weren't you answering my calls?" Mila tried to play it cool. "Sorry honey, the car broke down in the middle of the road and we had to wait so long for the mechanics to get there and our phone's died" Mila's mom replied.

"The car stopped working so we couldn't charge our phone's, but i was expecting you to be asleep what are you doing here?" Her dad asked.

"Umm I was really hungry so I was looking for something to eat and I found a leftover pizza, I'll eat it in my room and go to bed. Good night!" She hurried off to upstairs. She opened the door to her room and found it empty. 'Where'd that boy go-' she thought as the bathroom door opened and Dylan entered her room.

Her mouth dropped but she recovered quickly, he was shirtless and well he looked amazing. She focused on his eyes and handed him the plate of pizza. "Thank you" Said Dylan.

"Welcome and by the way, my parents are home so be quiet and hide if you hear their footsteps" Said Mila.

"Noted" he said, slightly smiling. "You're sleeping on the floor okay?" Said Mila.
"Okay" he didn't know what else to say, he was thankful she even let him stay.

Mila went to her closet and took out a sleeping bag and gave it to Dylan "hope this is comfortable enough for you" she said. "If I can sleep, that's enough for me" Said Dylan.

"Well good night Dylan" Said Mila putting her lips in a straight line. "Goodnight Mila" Replied Dylan.

Dylan set the sleeping bag on the floor beside Mila's bed and layed on it. Mila hopped on her bed and got under her covers.

"I don't know why or how but I keep getting flashbacks, or more like remembering stuff that happened last week" Dylan whispered. "Oh. What do you remember?" Mila asked.

"Not everything I'm just getting glimpses so it doesn't really make sense" replied Dylan.

They stared at the ceiling, lost deep in thoughts. After about a minute or two their eyes closed and they fell asleep.


The birds were chirping and commotion outside could be heard, as the sun shone over Mila's eyes which made her eyes flutter open. She squinted her eyes and stretched out, she felt exhausted. She reached for her phone. It was 9:24 am she was worried that she's late for school but realised it's Sunday. She looked over her bed and saw him.

Dylan was sleeping, he looked peaceful and...pretty? 'no shut up Mila he's not pretty. Well he kind of is but like he's a total stranger' she fought with her own thoughts. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Mila really wanted to sleep for the rest of the day but she didn't want her parents to barge in her room and see a stranger sleeping on the floor.

Mila didn't bother changing out of her sleeping clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast and grab leftovers for Dylan. "Good morningggg" Mila said to her parents. "Oh look who finally decided to wake up" Her dad replied. "So rude and for what" Mila rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Enough with that you two! Anyway I was thinking what if we go on a road trip today? Since it's a beautiful day we should spend some quality time together, don't you think?" Mila's mom suggested.

"I think that's a great idea" Said Mila's dad, smiling at her mom.

"But mom I promised harper I'd go to the girls only sleepover today" said Mila.

"I think you're forgetting that you're grounded, you're not seeing your friends until I say so, and you better accept that we're letting you go out with us" Mila's dad said.

"Ugh I don't care I don't wanna go to that stupid road trip anyway you guys can go" She grabbed two waffles and ran upstairs.

"Don't you think you're being harsh on her?" Mila's mom said. "Kids like her age should know to listen and respect their parents" Her dad replied.

"You're right but that doesn't mean we should just lock her in the house like it's a prison" Mila's mom said.


Dylan woke up because of all the noises coming from downstairs and he could hear Mila arguing with her parents he got up and put his ear on the door to hear what they were saying. 'i would be dead if I talked to my dad like that' he thought, slightly smiling.

He moved away from the door when he heard someone storming upstairs. He knew it was Mila. He acted like he had just woke up and stretched. She entered the room "morning" she said and gave him the plate of waffles. "Good morning, thank you for the food" Dylan said

Mila just nodded, she was deep in thoughts while Dylan watched her think. "Everything okay?" He asked her "Fine, my dad's not letting me go out but I'm gonna go anyway" she replied. Her brows were pointing downwards 'she's definitely furious' Dylan sort of smiled at her expression.

"Aren't you gonna get caught if you sneak off?" He questioned. "My parents are going on a road trip so I'm gonna steal the spare keys from their room so I can go out" She smiled innocently. "Do I just stay here alone then?" He asked.

"No you're coming with me cuz I don't trust you yet to leave you alone in my house" she answered.


I apologize for not posting in a while 😭 I haven't had the time to write BUT I FINALLY DO NOW SO YAYY

And I forgot half the things I wanted include in this story but it's okay I'll probably remember if I get to that part hopefully

This story might not be good so far but I'm a beginner so I don't expect it to be good anyway.

Ramadan Kareem btw🤭🤍!

Thank you for reading<3

Words: 1071

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