Chapter Sixteen: Making Waves

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"Oh, of course. The one day I'm gone is the day that Rathalos shows up again", Bucket noted, annoyance evident in his voice, to which Sariko, who was sitting across from him at their usual table at the gathering hub, responded, "You know, maybe if you showed just a bit of restraint at the end of the festival, you could have been out there with us". In response, Bucket took a swig from his tankard, which this time was only filled with water, and retorted, "Hey, those drinks they had were REALLY good, alright?". To this, Sariko laughed, but could not respond more thoughtfully before she noticed Nia and Perren approaching them, the latter actively trying to cram a set of keys into his pocket.

The felyne was still jittering just a bit from that Vespoid sting.

Nia, on the other hand, seemed much calmer to Sariko than she was yesterday, if not still a bit worn out. "Hey, Nia. You feeling any better today?", Sariko asked as the two took their seats at the table, to which Nia responded, "Yeah, I think I am", before taking a moment to acknowledge Bucket's presence and adding, "While we're asking that kind of stuff, are you alright, Bucket?". To this, the bowgunner groaned groggily, answering, "Alright enough to be here. Though, I'd be a lot better if someone would actually tell me what the Hopesbane did out there", Sariko promptly piping up in response, "Hey, the commander doesn't want us sharing all that. Harder to keep everyone calm if a storm of second-hand rumors and made up nonsense starts spreading all over the city". Possibly taking some offense to this, Bucket was quick to inquire, "What, you're worried I'm gonna run my mouth or something?", to which Nia chimed in, "Orders are orders. What I will say is that if we spot the Hopesbane out in the field again...", pausing for a moment in thought as she glanced over to Sariko, who was now looking at her in anticipation.

"We definitely aren't gonna pick a fight with it", Nia concluded, to which Sariko let loose a deep, anticipatory breath she was holding.

"So, we know what we want to hunt yet?", Nia inquired, to which Sariko answered, "Well, I had a look earlier. There's a rowdy Barroth at the border between the Coastal Fen and the Arid Ridge, we haven't been over there yet. Could be a fun trip, but we'd probably come back all muddy. There's also this Basarios over in the rockier areas of the Sunny Hills, but I think I saw someone else grab that one already. Another Nerscylla notice, we might check that one out". Almost immediately, Nia visibly winced and shook her head in response to the last suggestion, incredibly uneager to face such a creature again. Though, before she could give any further input or Sariko could put any more options on the table, a familiar voice rung out, "Actually, I think I have the perfect quest for you four", to which Nia turned her head back to see Haldys approaching the table, alongside Cindi. "Commander Haldys! It's been a while", Bucket noted respectfully as the two of them reached the table, to which Haldys responded "Yes, it has been. I'm glad to see that you are faring better today", before straightening his long coat as Bucket gave thanks and he responded in kind.

"Now, to business", Haldys began to note, before gesturing to Cindi, who spoke out, "You all have probably heard of the Lagi out west harassing trading ships. Well, it actually sunk one last night. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries, but we're now at a point where we can't avoid dealing with it any longer". Sariko suddenly piped up, "Wait, you're not about to send us out to fight an actual Lagiacrus, are you?", to which Haldys clarified, "We are not, actually. This is because we've determined that the Lagiacrus is acting as it is for a reason; one we are in a position to resolve at that". In response, Nia inquired, curiously, "And what might that be?", to which Haldys answered firmly, "That, I will be letting you all find out for yourselves".

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