Her secret.

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"C'mon Momobami twins..where are you?"

Is all that I was thinking going inside the limo waiting for me outside. My servant Hina turned her focus onto me. "No trace of the Momobami's?" I shook my head no furious about not being able to find them. I needed to see them again. I had to! I haven't seen them for three years. I missed them so much. My mother sent me to the academy once she figured out Kiri and Riri were running it together. I knew exactly where to look next, the council. Was it dumb of me to not look into the council first? Yes. But it's okay. I need to see them again.

I was talking to Hina about everything going on, including the gamble with Mary of course. We talked for twenty minutes until we reached the front gates to our home, a beautiful home. I've always adored my home with all my heart, my father handed this home to me once he died. It was the most beautiful home I've ever seen, every time I see it I grow shocked at the beauty. I made my way inside walking past the room where eating took place. I walked in there for a second to admire the water, the room was beautifully decorated. I never dared to touch it and change anything. From a large area you could see another building well it wasn't another building but another part of the home. The trees were green and the water was perfectly clear. The wood and stones were all just amazing. Arriving home was relaxing, it was so pretty. I'm never going to be able to not be shocked seeing the house. I adored it. My father gave me it as well, it made it even more beautiful in my eyes.

 My father gave me it as well, it made it even more beautiful in my eyes

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(What I was trying to describe!)

As I took a seat staring into the water my phone started going off. I pulled my phone out of my blazers pocket seeing someone had called me. I quickly picked up hoping I hadn't ignored them to long.

"Mikoto..I'm here to talk about payment."
"Mary! Hi! Here I'll send you my address so we can talk in person instead! I'll await your presence!"
<Call cut at 5:42pm.>

I smiled brightly to myself, I realized I should change out of uniform so I rushed to my room changing into something more comfortable. I find my way I side my room having already sent the number that called me my address I changed into a light blue cropped cardigan type thing that was honestly super comfortable but also looked really nice. I removed my stockings and skirt replacing them with black pants. The pants complimented the shirt nicely, they were also very comfortable for how nice they looked.

(What I'm trying to describe!)

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(What I'm trying to describe!)

I tied up my hair a few strands of hair framing my face, I walked into my living room area awaiting the arrival of Mary. The guards outside had sent an alert to me that someone 'with blonde hair in pigtails is here' and I immediately knew who they were speaking of. I made my way to the door slapping a smile onto my face before running towards Mary pushing my guards out the way to hug her. "You idiot! You're going to kill me!" I let go of her grabbing her hand dragging her into my house. I could hear chuckles come from the guards mouths and hearing from one of them "careful with your girlfriend there Mikoto!" I simply laughed with them  bringing Mary inside. I sat down on a couch and patted the spot next to me. "I would've thought you lived in unicorn onesies because well you're..you." I looked at her offended, is that what people think of me ??

<Mary POV>

She looked at me clearly offended at my words and she scoffed at me before turning away. "Such things I cannot tolerate! Don't dig your own grave Mary!" I could only laugh at her getting offended so easily. She could never be stern with anyone, she's just bubbly and to hapoy to be able to. "Oh right payments!" She turned around forgetting completely about what I said. Now we're talking about the part I dreaded the most, payment. "Instead of you owing money to me an arrangement has been made." I got anxious at her words, arrangements? What arrangements? "I own you now! But only I do and no one else." I stared at her with my eyes widened, is she insane?! Being owned by her would be terrible wouldn't it..at least that's what I thought until she spoke up. "I won't do anything bad to you! I payed off your debt but..I still own you as a way to be returned my money. I won't make you do things you don't want to! All I ask of you right now is to wear this everyday before school." She handed me a beautiful emerald ring, there were three stones. The middle and side stones were beautiful emeralds. The band was gold. "I also ask that you tell me when you see the president and vice president and exactly where they are." I was confused. Why did she need to know that?

<Mikoto POV>

I could see visible confusion on Mary's face, I simply laughed and told her not to worry and that I expect to see her tomorrow. After a small chat Mary was on her way, after she left I stared at the very door she just walked out of feeling slightly lonely now. I walked to my room shutting the door and sitting on my bed. Thinking about what I would say to the twins wasn't an easy task. I stood up going inside the draw of my vanity pulling out a box, it was a white box with silver details hand painted onto it. I including Riri and Kiri painted this box together a few years back. I opened it pulling out the photos of us together out looking at them with the biggest smile on my face. Tears now falling staring at these pictures, I finally get to see them again. "Soon I will see you both again..I'm sorry I ran from you. It was for the best."

"We'll meet again my dearest." Is what a note from Kiri read, I was so happy I get to see them again. "I miss you already, we'll meet again!" Is the note from Riri read. I smiled thinking about seeing them again, now with Mary keeping an eye out for them I was sure to find them. I would visit the council room first thing in the morning and see them after all this time.

"I'll see you both soon."

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