Freckle x Platonicially Sister Reader

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You and Freckle were best friends you knew him and Rocky since they are kittens you always hung out with them Rocky was always the chaotic one and Freckle was the nervous one not wanting to get in trouble for Rocky shenanigans cause he will always cause trouble one time Rocky almost got you and Freckle stung by bees and almost got you two swim in dirty water but Rocky was fun to mess round with now that you guys were older now you been more inseparable since you and Freckle have platonic relationship you two treat each other like brother and sister all the time you will call each other "bro" and "sis" Ivy thought it was cute seeing how close you two were

Ivy:Question, why do you call each other bro and sis?
Freckle:Well I see Y/N as a sister
You:And I see Freckle as a brother hehe
Ivy:That's so cute
You:We knew each other since we were kittens
Ivy:I see why you two are so close
Freckle:Yeah we are basically childhood friends

Ivy fangirled again while you and Freckle are busy digging into grave while Rocky is playing his violin noting lifting a finger to help which was a bit annoying but hey it's Rocky we are talking about

You:Rocky will get down here and help?
Rocky:Sorry toots I can't I'm busy playing my violin
Ivy:This would get a lot faster if you helped
Rocky:I'm playing to set the mood for you guys
You:What kind of mood?
Rocky:To get the digging to move faster
You:You're an idiot
Rocky:But I'm your idiot forever

Rocky laughed out loudly as he went back to play with his violin you and Freckle continued to dig into while Ivy kept a look out you rolled your eyes a bit annoyed with your boyfriend Rocky but you loved him anyways Freckle looked over at you a bit concerned

Freckle:Hey you okay sis?
You:Yeah it's just Rocky doesn't take anything serious
Freckle:Well that's Rocky for you
You:I'm surprised we haven't lost our cool with him
Freckle:Well he's my cousin and your childhood friend
You:Yeah I know he's been doing this for years
Freckle:But he's the same Rocky we all know and love
You:Yeah I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend
You:And a great brother figure
Ivy:And? Hehe
You:And an amazing best friend like you Ivy
You:I already said boyfriend Rocky
Rocky:No I'm your husband
You:Not yet
Rocky:Well I am gonna pop the question one day
You:Can't wait for that

You and Freckle finally found something Rocky wanting to take the credit of course as he grabbed as many bottles of alcohol as he can putting them in a crate Ivy getting the car ready but something was wrong a group chased you guys down it was Mordecai and his gang Serafine and Nicodeme and what surprise you is when Freckle shot a mini gun at Mordecai and his gang he had a crazy look along with a crazy laugh you always thought it was funny when he went on his crazy side it was a wild ride but you four managed to get away going to the Little Daisy Cafe to drop off the alcohol everyone tried it saying it tasted a bit strong or just weird which you agreed with

Mitzi:You guys always get into trouble
You:Well things just happen
Freckle:Yeah we don't ask for these things to happen
Ivy:We went through a lot to bring this here
Rocky:But what matters is that we are all safe, right?

You all nodded your heads agreeing with him Mitzi told Rocky to play his violin which he was excited to do Rocky giving you a quick kiss on the cheek going off to stage Freckle saw you were worried about something

Freckle:Hey you okay sis?
You:Yeah I'm fine don't worry about me
Ivy:Come on you own me a dance
Freckle:I do?

Ivy pulled Freckle away as you laughed giving him a thumbs up Viktor looking a bit pissed off for some reason Mitzi was right the dude should learn to smile for often and maybe he won't scare people off

Mitzi:Why don't you join them on stage?
You:Well I'm not really talented
Mitzi:Aww come on honey I heard you sing before
You:Yeah but I'm not that great
Mitzi:Don't bring yourself down go up there
You:You really think I should?
Mitzi:Yeah sing your heart out sweetie

You got up from your chair going up to stage quickly giving Mitzi a quick hug then jumping up and stage and started to sing into the microphone

Freckle:You never told me you can sing sis
You:You never asked bro
Freckle:Fair enough
Ivy:You should become a famous singer
Freckle:Yeah you'll do great Y/N
You:Yeah not gonna happen

The three of you laughed as you continued to sing while Rocky played his violin as Freckle and Ivy danced together yep you couldn't ask for a better family because you were stuck with these guys

Hello wolf pups I hope you all enjoyed as always if you want to make a request for make sure to read the rules please I'm doing oneshots, headcanons and scenarios I'll see you wolf pups in the next one☮️🐺

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