Chapter 16

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This is dedicated to anyone who ever takes the time to read my story. You make me soooo happy. :-)

"I don't understand," Artemis said, "What for?"

"Missie, I told you; Minho-"

"Yes, yes he found a dead Griever, that I get. I just don't understand what Alby's got to do with it." They sat at the breakfast table.

Thomas chuckled. "Missie, he is the leader."

"Yes, but-" Thomas put a finger to her lips

"No buts." She frowned at him. "Eat, Artemis."

They glared at each other. Missie picked up her toast, without taking her eyes off of Thomas, and took a bite. She chewed slowly, and swallowed. "Good girl." Artemis huffed and hit Thomas upside the head. They turned to face Chuck and Newt, who were watching them with opened mouths. "What?" They asked simultaneously. The two just shook their heads. The four continued to eat.

As the day went on, Artemis sat with the strange girl. She didn't wake up. She did speak, though, mumbling random unintelligible sentences and words. They'd tried everything, she just wouldn't budge. When lunch came Artemis opted to stay and feed the girl soup instead of going to eat herself. "She getting any better?" Newt stood in the doorway, a tray clutched between his hands, Artemis shook her head. "Same. And we can't get proper food into her, so she's losing weight.

Newt nodded, and held up the tray, "got you something t'eat," he placed it on the desk next to her. "I've gotta go, I'll check you later?" He leaned down and kissed her cheek as she nodded. "Newt," she said, "thank you."

"I'm here to make your life easier," he said before ducking out of the room.

Later, Missie headed to the kitchen, where she found Thomas (who looked tired) and Chuck, Newt sat at a table alone, looking depressed. "What do you think is the matter?" Chuck asked, nodding at Newt. Missie shrugged. "I don't know." "Why don't you go and ask him?" Thomas added.

"You know , I can hear every bloody word you're saying." Newt said loudly. Missie smiled sheepishly at him. "What is the matter, Newt?"

He sighed, "This girls worrying me."

Artemis chuckle, "That's my problem, Newt. Wanna tell us what's really got you buggin'?" She raised a brow at him.

He smiled a little, then sighed. "It's Alby and Minho. They should've been back hours ago."

The runners returned at their usual time that day. Newt ran from door to door, barely containing his panic. Missie had been sitting in the homestead studying the bow and arrows when she saw him, she ran to join the Gladers gathered at a door. "Two minutes until the doors close." Newt said. "Can't we send someone after them?" Thomas asked? He and Missie stood with Newt at the front, Newt didn't seem to notice that Missie was holding a bow she was temporarily banned from. If he did, he didn't t let on. "No. No. Don't even say it again. That's a hundred percent against the rules."

"But-" Artemis started.

"Shut it! Just bloody shut it! You think I wouldn't risk my life to save those shanks?!" Newts face was red. Artemis was stunned.

There was a loud booming sound as the doors began to close. Dread filled Artemis, at the end of the corridor, she saw two figures. 'They're over there!" As they came closer, they could see Minho struggling with Alby's arm slung round his neck. "They got him!" He yelled. He lost hold of Alby and the boy fell to the ground. They weren't gone to make it. Missie's eyes met Thomas's, an unspoken agreement seemed to pass between them. The doors continued to close. Only a few more feet. Artemis couldn't help it. She hardly knew what she was doing. She didn't even take the time to drop what she was holding. She heard Newt yelling. "Artemis! Tom- don't you bloody do it! Missie! Miss-" she was already halfway through the door, Thomas at her heels. They jumped in just before the door closed behind Thomas. The sound of it echoing through the maze.
Hope you all enjoyed that.
I'd like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY B.F.F, @Lonesome_Fire. You big dollop of joy, you.

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