Chapter 5 The sex

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Contains Sexual and mature content.

It's been one month since the kiss at the waterfall. I have avoided all human contact from outside apart from just my family. I decided to block Vicy, Sasha, and Paul just to have clarity of mind. I requested my mom to give me time to stay indoors and do my college research. I haven't gone beyond our family gate since Paul dropped me off unless I'm in my dad's car to wherever I'm going and back. I have blocked any ideas to think about boys or the drama I have found myself in. My cousin Sasha dropped by one of the weekends to check up on me, but I couldn't see her. I was not in the mind frame to answer questions and hear what Vicy and Paul were saying or asking. I just want to remain living under this rock I'm living under. I have evaluated my future and what I want to do. At first, my mom was worried that I wasn't going out anymore, my dad on the other hand is happy that I'm always indoors. You know dads being protective of their daughters.

I know in all this, I hurt Vicy the most, I don't know how I will ever face him. I wish I could shift into an alternate universe. What if he hates me now? He was good to me, he cared for me in a special way. But now because of one stupid mistake that Paul made I find comfort within the walls of my room. Reality scares me, human contact seems absurd in all dimensions. As I lay on my bed wondering how my life became very chaotic, I hear my mom calling for me.

"Monty! Monty! Could you please come?" She is calling from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen not knowing what awaits me.

"Mom, you called," I say to my mom while she stirs something cooking.

"Hey honey, how are you today? I haven't had time to talk to you." She says.

"I'm fine Mom, just trying to keep up with the college applications," I say wondering what she would want us to talk about.

"Monty, I'm your mom and I know the past couple of weeks you haven't been yourself. Is there anything bothering you?" she asks looking evidently worried.

"Mom, I promise I'm fin-e-e-e," I answer.

"You haven't left the house like before. What happened?" she inquires further.

"Mom, Sasha hasn't been around and most of my friends left for college applications so I didn't see the need to leave the house. And I have been doing research on the programs I'm interested in Mom. Nothing happened." I answer knowing I'm clearly lying to my mom. I know I'm lying to her I wish I could share with her what happened. But if she learns I kissed two boys that are friends she will skin me alive. And being raised in an African setting there is never room for having sex talks with parents it is taboo. My mom has actually tried to be free with us more than most African parents.

"But Sasha came here to see you and you clearly told me to tell her you are not home?" now she has more questions. I realize I walked myself right into the situation.

"Mom-m-m-m, I have a right to say no when I don't want to see her. She has a lot of questions just like you are doing now." I say.

"What about the boy she came with? She said he was her friend and they were worried that you blocked them on call." She asks. Now I'm intrigued, I wonder who Sasha was with when she came around.

"What boy, Mom? What did he say his name was? I ask my heart beating.

"He said Vinn or Vicy I don't remember well." She replies. My heart sinks, and I start feeling cold thinking that my heart will come out of my mouth. I start feeling sick to the core, my head spinning, and my emotions have started running again. I didn't even know that Vicy was back.

"What Vi-c-c-y?" I stutter.

"Yea he said he was Sasha's friend, he really wanted to see you about the college application too." She says.

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