Episode 5: good and bad alliances

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Later on Team Sonic then explain to Team Mario what the Chaos Emeralds do

Knuckles: and so once all 7 are collected the user will become unstoppable

Luigi: mama mia..

Mario: could you imagine if that overgrown brute-a Bowser were to get his filthy claws on them?

Yoshi: yeah if he dose then it's gonna get really scary!

Sonic: let me guess this Bowser guy is your arch enemy right?

Mario: yup he's-a been trying to kidnap the ruler of-a the mushroom kingdom Princess Peach, marry her by force and rule the rest of-a the kingdoms. And Peach is-a my girlfriend for crying out loud

Tails: wow he sounds bad. Who know what would happen if he teamed up with Eggman

Luigi: who's Eggman?

Sonic: my arch enemy of my world. He's a very smart evil scientist who wants to take over the world with his machines

Luigi: if he-a teams up with-a Bowser then we'll be in-a big trouble

Sonic: then I guess there's only 1 thing left to do. We team up. By the way what's your name again dude?

Mario: it's-a me! Mario!

Luigi: and I'm-a Luigi! Number-a 1!

Mario: aka my little brother

Sonic: but isn't he taller?

Luigi: yeah but it doesn't-a really change anything

Yoshi: and I'm Yoshi! Mario and Luigi's pet/best friend. Please to meet ya!

Mario: and together we are the heroes of-a the Mushroom Kingdom! Anyways what's-a your name blue boy?

Sonic: *dose his finger jester* I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! The fastest thing alive!

Tails: I'm Miles Prower. But everyone calls me Tails. I'm also Sonic's adopted brother

Luigi: oh I think I get why your called. Haha!

Tails: yeah.. real funny

Knuckles: and I'm Knuckles the Echidna. Guardian of the Master Emerald

Tails: talking of which is it safe?

Knuckles: don't worry I have that security system built in that you made for me

Mario: well now that-a we've gotten introductions out the way let's go find those emeralds!

Sonic: yeah! Let's do it to it!

Mario: let's-a go!

And so the newly formed team M&S start their quest to find the emeralds and stop Bowser and Eggman... talking of which

At Bowser's castle

Bowser: I can't believe I lost her again! That plumber must've taken her from me while I was knocked out!

Bowser Jr: I should have been there to help you papa. Maybe then we would have been able to still get her

Bowser: it's not your fault my boy. We'll get her later for now we have to figure out why the world looks different

???: prehaps I have a few answers as to what's going on

Bowser: who said that?!

Out from the shadows steps Eggman

Dr Eggman: I did

Bowser: who are you suppose to be baldy MCnose hair?

Dr Eggman: I am Dr Ivo Robotnik the greatest scientific genius in the world. But they know me as Dr Eggman. And you are?

Bowser: I'm Bowser! The King of the Koopas!

Dr Eggman: very nice. Anyways I'm here to form an alliance with you my king

Bowser: why? Do you have something against mario too?

Dr Eggman: he maybe a threat to your plans but my most hated enemy Sonic the Hedgehog is out there too. It's likely they've both teamed up by now. So maybe we should too so we can rule this new world together!

Bowser: sounds evil! And I love it

Bowser Jr: oh! Me too!

Dr Eggman: but in order for us to stop both Mario and Sonic we'll need these *takes out the red chaos emerald*

Bowser: oooh! Shiny! What is it?

Dr Eggman: this my reptilian friend is a chaos emerald. There are only 7 in existence. Collect all 7 and we'll be granted unstoppable power

Bowser: man could you imagine if an overgrown brute like me were to get my filthy claws on them?

Bowser Jr: the results would be catastrophic!

Just then a Goomba came in

Goomba: boss we've just received word that Army Bro, Boom Boom and Pom Pom have all failed

Bowser: no matter. I've got more tricks up my sleeve. Koopa Bros! Front and center

Just then the Koopa Bros arrived

Red Koopa: you called boss

Bowser: excellent response time boys. I want you to scout the world in search of emeralds that look like this one *points to Eggman's emerald*

Red Koopa: let's go brother-

Bowser: wait! One more thing if those pesky plumbers get in the way you know what to do

Yellow Koopa: sure thing boss

Black Koopa: you got it

Green Koopa: let's go brothers!

Red Koopa: wait I'm the leader. I'll say when we go. Go!

They all leave

Dr Eggman: I'll just make a few phone calls myself and we'll get started. Metal Sonic you go with the child

Metal Sonic: yes sir

Bowser Jr: a robot?! Cool!

They both leave

Bowser: Kamek! Go find princess Peach and bring her to me before the Stupid Mario Bros do

Kamek: right away sire *flies away*

Bowser: ya know Doc this feels like the start of a beautiful friendship

Dr Eggman: indeed it is my king

They both laugh

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