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You crumble the paper, ripping it before furiously throwing it into the bin

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You crumble the paper, ripping it before furiously throwing it into the bin

Covering your ears from all the noise of your thoughts, you fall downwards, burying your head in your knees, haunted by memories you could never forget

" [y/n]?" You heard someone peak into your room at the door

" shit" you curse, realising you didn't lock or close your door properly

" what's wrong!?" You eyed Childe who was rushing to your side

" nothing" you smile, thankful tears didn't stream down your face

" I saw you kneeling down, burying your face in your knees...something must be wrong" Childe patted your shoulder worriedly

You laugh a little, " I'm tired babe." You stood up, an attempt to flee but as you did, you felt hands grip your wrist tightly

" [y/n]. You can tell me anything." Childe reminded and pulled you backwards, your back hitting his chest as Childe hugged you from behind, face on your shoulder

" I'm fine really! Childe! Why are you acting like this?" You put on a act as Childe's grip slightly loosens

" if...you insist" Childe didn't want to sound clingy or obsessive without reason. His eyes lingering to the shredded papers scattered on the floor

" but are you sure...?" Childe gave in to his instincts, asking you again before turning you around and squeezing your cheeks

" yes! let's go...my love" you tease smiling, guiding Childe's hands down before walking out the room as Childe was only half convinced by your act

In truth you almost blew your cover.

In truth, you felt every emotion related to sadness but you didn't want your past to unfold so you had to keep a act and find out who made that letter

" oh hi [y/n] we were thinking of going to the movies tomorrow...wanna join?" Ayaka tried to brighten the mood again when she saw you

" movies...? What type" you smiled walking up to Ayaka

" I was thinking...maybe action?" Ayaka turned around excitedly

" and here I thought you guys would watch a horror movie" Childe joined into the conversation, head balancing on his palm

" that's very cliche" Thoma retorted as Childe gave a raspy laugh, " don't watch a stupid movie okay?" Childe referenced to you, looking at you only because of your previous experiences

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