✔️ Chapter 1; A New Start

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"Come on, wake up." Kanata says in an annoyed tone while fixing his tie. "I've repeated myself 28 times now, It's time to get up Sumihiko" Sumihiko tosses and turns in his bed before opening his eyes tiredly.

"I'm up I'm up.. mm.." He mumbles half asleep. Kanata rolls his eyes and scoffs. "No, you're not, and you're an ugly sleeper."

Kanata picks up his stuff and opens the door. He looks back at Sumihiko before sighing and shutting the door.

After informing his mother that he is going, Kanata leaves the house. He walks on the pavement beside the road shimmering under the sun. A cool breeze washes over him, refreshing him from all the stress of waking Sumihiko up. A bunch of students walking to school along him and vehicles crowds the road. Kanata recognizes a student who waved to him. He gives a nod of acknowledgement and continues walking.

Meanwhile in another household.

"YES! YES THEY DID IT! INCREDIBLE THEY DEFEATED THE DEMON! YAY-!" A boy seems to be crying or rather tearing up from the joy of reading a book, he's rather loud, someone hits him from behind.

"OW! HEY!" He screams.

A girl had kicked him. She's quite strong.

She yells, "Are you reading great grandfather's novel again?!"

"Why did you just kick my back!" The boy ignores her question and complains.

"Exams are coming up!" She scoffs, "I can't believe you." She frowns even further, and scolds, "And your grades have been abysmal!"

"But they were so cool!" He whines in protest, "They risked their lives in battle!" The girl grabs him by his ear, pulling them upwards, and shouts even louder, "Yeah so be cool like them, and study for your exams!" The boy lets out a cry of pain, "AAGHH-!" The girl glares at him and pulls his ears even harder.

"Yoshiteru, I swear to god, if you don't study I'm going the take away that book!"

"NOOO! YOU CANT DO THAT TO ME TOUKO! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WHEN I'M BORED????" Yoshiteru cries and sobs. He desperately tries to convince his sister not to take his beloved book.
Touko's eye twitches out frustration and lets go of his ears. "Study", she orders as she walks out the room with her arms crossed.

Yoshiteru pouts as tears continue streaming down his face. "The women in our family are so kind and polite.. how come she's different." He gets up and picks up his bag heading out his room

"Hey what's with that look on your face?? Are you still mad?" Touko asked, with a rather harsh tone.

"What?! No!" He looks into the distance and admires the Sakura which are blossoming.

There is a moment of silence between them both. While Touko is on her phone, Yoshiteru admires the cherry blossoms.

The boy decides to break the silence. "Hey Touko, do you believe in reincarnation..?"

The girl turns to him with her eyebrows raised. "Do you really believe in those elderly people folk tales, what are you, a kid??" She scoffs at his statement. "And to answer your question no I don't."

Touko continues to scroll through her phone, looking for anything interesting. Her eyes glint with amazement. "Oh wow!" She exclaims, "Japan got the gold medal in gymnastics!"

Yoshiteru tries to catch her attention, "Listen."

Touko, ignoring her brother, blushes slightly and admires, "Uzui is so cool..!"

Yoshiteru scoffs and protests, "But he flashes his middle finger and chokes reporters! He's a total punk!"

"Well they had it coming!" Touko continues admiring.

𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧; Modern EraWhere stories live. Discover now