chapter 2

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Me and Emily walk out to the car were both as mad as each other. The whole drive we sat in silence. The silence what so tense you could cut it with a knife. Why did this have to happen today .

After a long drive we finally get to the bau and park the car I take the stairs and em took the lift. It took me about 10 minutes to get to the 5 floor. I walk over to agent Arron hotchners office and he tells me I have the desk next to my sister of course I have the desk next to my sister.

I head back down to the bullpen and sit down and pull out my phone before I hear a voice behind me and my chair pull out from under me.

Emma: what the fuck was that for .

X: I do it to all newbies

Emily: Derek leave the poor girl alone.

Derek: but that's no fun Emily. Plus you also mess with the newbies.

Emily: who said I haven't.

I give Emily a look and the smile wipes from her face when another person joins in this conversation.

Derek: look who it is Spencer Reid back again. how meny time have you been shot now.

Spencer: 3 times and I think you will find that most of the time it's your fault Derek.

Emma: what do you mean shot 3 time because of Derek.

Spencer: I mean exactly what I said . I have been shot 3 times because most of them in protecting him. And who are you.

Emma: I'm Emma and you don't know need to know my last name

Emily: Emma just tell them your last name.

Emma: I said no. Now back off emmie

Emily: what did you just call me.

Both Derek and Spencer walk off and JJ walks in but just sits at her desk.

Emma: sorry not sorry. Maybe you need to learn to take the word no.

Emily: I'm sorry Emma. It's just why would you not want people to now you last name.

Emma: I don't want people to know my last name because I have always been in your shadow and for once I want to be know for me.

JJ : sorry to butt in but how do you two know each other.

Emily: can I tell her.

Emma: tell her.

Emily: this is Emma. Emma prentiss. My little sister. She is 2 years younger then me and thinks she is always in my shadow.

JJ: I never knew you had a sister. Nice to meet you Emma

Emma: nice to meet you too but can you not tell anyone else that we are related. I don't want them to know.

JJ: yes ofc.

After our conversation has ended hotch called us all into the conference room . To tell us about a new case we had. 3 couples found dead in the past week all show obvious signs of torture and are bound together. One thing there all have in common is they were
All homosexual and 2 of the 3 couples were women the other was men. So I'm sending JJ and Emma undercover to find this guy. If that's ok with you two.

Emma: I'm fine with it as long as we find the sick son of a bitch. Up to you JJ

JJ: fine by me.

Hotch:Good you will be acting as a couple madly in love. You have to stay in you room between 12pm and 6am because the unsub only hunts for his victims during the day . Wheels up in 20.

Me and JJ both leave to get anything we would need for this mission. I don't have a clue what to pack so I just take things I would normally take on a holiday; 2 tracksuits,4 nice dresses, 5 pairs of jeans and some tops and jumpers and shoes. I head to the plane it was only me and JJ that would be on it.

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