Ch. 35 - Where am I?

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I forgot to announce that this fan fiction sets in is 2135, not the original plot since it didn't mention what year the setting took place in the original plot of the manga, so I'm going to assume it's this year.


Ch. 35 – Where am I?


It will continue to exist, no matter how big or tiny it is, or local or international. It will produce a desolate area that nobody wants. Although it can be overstated, it is what it is.

Physically, psychologically, spiritually, and orally, it can guarantee mind fuck everyone who are a part of it. They can escape the war, but can't get the war out of their minds.

Well, back to the story in hand.

Just so everyone is aware, there are still those who see All Might as a god, and nothing has changed for them.

Just look at how limited their thinking is. They frequently overlook his true identity.

Everywhere Kobalos has attacked in the previous five years, All Might has been there to save them.

But was he indeed there to put an end to the monster?

It developed into a crisis throughout all of Japan, requiring every hero to assist the injured. That's how dreadful this Kobalos really is, attracting heroes no matter how far away they are.

And right now, the heroes are going to Hosu City as soon as possible. Including the interns, Class 1-A, 1-B and The Big Three.

"Ha... Ha..." Miruko heaved as she limped her way to the destination. Bleeding a lot and heavily wounded, she's almost there. And hoped that Kobalos didn't go to that place.

"Miruko-san!" A voice echoed through the chaotic night. Lifting her head, she saw the student whom Izuku Midoriya fought a few days ago, and another whose hero outfit's strikingly similar to Ingenium. Must be his little brother.

"I'll call the ambulance!" Shoto pulled out his phone with his right arm and started to dial.

Miruko shifted her upper body to the side and saw Stain, tied up like a cocoon except his head was exposed.

Wait a second. The web. She quickly remembered.

"Oi..." She started to talk. "Where's my intern?"

Nobody answered her, for they're afraid of her reaction.

"Kobalos got him." Stain responded.

"...What?" Rumi asked the Hero Killer again, checking if her bunny ears heard it well. "If you're joking, I swear I'll kick you to death."

"You heard it, number six hero. Your kid got kidnapped by Kobalos. Who knows what'll happen to 'im."


Rumi's eyes went wide, expressing horror and anger.

"I have to go find him." Miruko took a step and fell on one knee.

"But you're hurt." Tenya said worriedly.

"I don't care! If you think we have to wait until help arrives, you're sorely mistaken!" She yelled. "I don't care if I act out of vigilance, that brat's still a kid! And he's out there in god-knows-where because of that fucking monster!"

They grimaced at the point that their friend is the Kobalos' prey. They prayed to the gods above.

To protect Izuku.

"Kuso..." Miruko said under her breath, slammed the ground in frustration. But then, she looked at her other hand.

Razor-like metal weapon. It's the ones that got her off-guard and slashed her skin.

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