This is the part where you run

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Somewhere in mystic falls

A loud thud and groaning is heard in the woods on a dark and quiet night.

Ugh, fuck you couldn't have dropped me down more gently grandpa. I sigh out as I brush my self off and stand up. Wow haha YES I FINALLY MADE IT TO EARTH!! I yell out excitedly with a small jump. Okay now time to find that strange school father told me about.
As i'm walking I hear screaming so I start to walk towards it only to see it's coming from a church with a boy sitting outside listening to music. Interesting I say as I jump onto a clock tower next to me to get a better view.

Uhh I sigh as I watch a car speed to the Church only to see a girl getting out and walking towards the boy then they stop and stare at each other for a bit as a man comes out the car. He tried to open the doors but they were locked so the girl then opens them with magic.
Wow I was not expecting that I say as I watch them enter.

Some time has passed and I'm getting bored, Ugh when are they gonna come out I say with a sigh as I stand back up and place my hand in my pockets ready to get out of here I see them coming out with a passed out dark skinned boy and putting him in the car. Well looks like wolfie ran into some trouble, I say with a chuckle and as I let out an exhale and stare at them almost as if she heard me the girl looked at me and I made eye contact with her. With a smile I turned around and jumped off the tower and sped back into the woods. While thinking.

Wow maybe I will like this little town.
Time skip to morning.

Ughh I sigh with a stretch as I get up out of my bed from the apartment I bought in town last night. Okay time to find this school I say as I get up fully and walk to the shower I take off my shirt and stare at my body in the mirror with a sigh I run my fingers from my pecks to my 8 pack. Fuck I'm hot I let out a laugh and got into the shower. As I finish my shower i step out and wrap a towel around my waist and get dressed. I'm starving I say as I make my way into town and see a place called the mystic grill. That place looks okay, As I walk in people look at me and I sit by the bar and order a burger with a vanilla milkshake with whip cream on the bottom. Thank you I say with a smile to the girl that served me my food and she blushes and walks away with a smile as I start to eat my food.

As I finish my burger and most of my fries I hear the door to the grill and turn to look only to make eye contact with the girl from last night but I simply ignore it and go back to eating the rest of my fries and drinking my milkshake but get interrupted by a person to the left of me and as I turn to look it's the girl from yesterday. I clear my throat and look at her umm can I help you? I ask confused on why she's here.

Actually you can what were you doing last night on the clock tower? in fact how did you even get up there?! What are you? She whisper yells and looks me in the eyes. Uhhh I sigh as I finish the rest of my food then place money for the bill and a tip of 100$ and walk out of the grill as this strange girl follows me. Well stranger I say with a chuckle and look at her. Why would I tell you anything and also I have no idea what you are talking about I was at home all night last night not that I owe you an explanation. I finish saying as I sit on some bench in the park and turn to look at her with a smirk.

She glares at me and then looks me up and down her eyes lingering on certain parts of me then looks back to my face and sighs and sits next to me while still staring. Didn't your parents ever tell you staring is rude I say looking at my phone noticing my father had texted me. My parents are dead she says in a low voice but I catch it and look at her. I'm sorry that must suck, I say in a sad voice then go back to my phone seeing that my dad said that he had a friend at the supernatural school. Some man named Alaric so I then turn towards the emo girl next to me to ask her if she knows this man.

Hey umm I know you go to that one supernatural school up on the hill over there. I say as I point to the left and point to a giant brick school. As I say that she looks at me wide eyed. So can you take me there also do you know a man named Alaric. I ask as I stand and stretch making my shirt ride up a bit exposing my body. Come on girl I say as she was staring at my abs and pull my shirt down. Hope she says as she catches up with me my name is hope. I look at her then just keep walking through the woods. Okay hope we'll do you know Alaric. I say as I start to see the school and walk up on its yard. He's the headmaster so yes I know him she states with an attitude. We'll go ahead lead the way. I say as she starts to walk in front of me and I can't help but look at the way she sways her his and how her ass moves making my wolf let out a small growl but I quickly coughed to cover it up. As we make the last turn I see an office with open doors and a man sitting at a desk looking stressed.

Dr.Saltzman hope says as we enter
Hope glad your here Mg was able compel Landon and he just left. The man I just found out was Alaric says. Dr.Saltzman now really isn't the time hope says as I now walk fully into the room and look around with a chuckle making the man look at me then he looks sort of frightened and surprised as he sees me. Hello Alaric I say and my British accent comes out as I sit in a chair. What are you doing here I thought we had a deal that you were to never ever come back here!! He yells and stands from his desk. I look around and see that he's looking at me umm buddy I have no idea what you are talking about this is my first time in this realm pal. I say then a realization hits me and I start laughing hard and then look into his eyes smiling.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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