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originally published april 4, 2023

inspired by: a conversation with @captainsbestgal

pairing: tech x fem!reader

series summary: you don't want to live in a galaxy where the love of your life, tech, does not exist. but, you can't abandon your already grieving family. you devote all of your energy to helping hunter and wrecker save omega from the empire and, perhaps, save the wayward crosshair along the way. but the longer you look for the youngest member of the bad batch, the more you suspect that your lost love is not as lost as you once believed.

chapter summary: the aftermath of plan 99.

word count: 7,223

series warnings?: spoilers for "plan 99", plan 99, canon-typical violence, hurt tech, canon divergent, fix it fic, angst, grief/mourning, torture, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, relationship discussions, mutual pining, clone troopers speak mando'a, depression, suicide ideation, memory loss, brainwashing, jealousy, not proofread

chapter warnings?: mention of tech's death, grief, mourning, suicide ideation, not proofread

chapter warnings?: mention of tech's death, grief, mourning, suicide ideation, not proofread

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"When have we ever followed orders?"

You cradled Omega in your arms as the Marauder traveled through hyperspace. You weren't sure if you should still be holding her. She'd been gravely injured, and you have enough first aid training to know that it's safer to let a person be stabilized than to constantly be adjusting them. But holding onto her, your pseudo-daughter, was the only thing grounding you in this moment. And, perhaps a bit delusional at the moment, you told yourself that, when traveling through hyperspace, maybe it was safer to hold onto her than to let her little body be whipped around the ship—not that her brothers would do that. Not now. Not after everything that's happened.

"When have we ever followed orders?"

A tear slipped down your cheek. You raised one hand, quick to wipe it away, before returning to holding Omega. You couldn't cry. Not now. If you cried...That meant it was real. And it couldn't be real. He couldn't have...No. He was fine. He was okay. He piloting the ship, he was making last-second calculations to ensure a safe landing. He was...He was not with you. Not now. Not ever. Even if he had beat the odds, used that brilliant mind of his to calculate just the right way to fall...You all left him. You weren't sure anyone could survive in the wilderness below, even someone as brilliant as him.

"When have we ever followed orders?"

Hunter walked up to you. His face was void of his emotion, save for his eyes. Hunter could play the stoic leader all he liked, but his eyes would always tell a different story. The man was barely holding it together. You could hardly blame him. Losing Tech...No one had seen that coming. No one saw him making the sacrifice play. He was supposed to be on the ship with you. How did he expect you to move on when he meant everything to you? When there was still so much left unsaid?

FOLLOWING ORDERS (A TECH BAD BATCH STORY)Where stories live. Discover now