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"Psst Hyuck let me ask you something" Hendery nudged me "Tell me" "Should we invite Sungchan and Shotaro to the slumber party" I thought it would be nice and we would get to know them well "Let's ask Shotaro Sungchan psst guys" I said to them and right next to us they came

"We're going to have a slumber party with the Dream members tonight, we want you to join, if you're available." Sungchan pulled up a chair and sat next to me and took Shotaro on his lap "We got it, you're boyfriends, stop," said Jeno "Do not dare to complain you have Jaemin, I should be the one to say this " Renjun said laughing

"Forget about them, will you come or not, I'll take permission from Taeyong hyung" I said turning to Shotaro and Sungchan "Of course we will" said Sungchan and I got up to go to Taeyong hyung "Taeyong hyuuung" I went to him and wrapped my arms around his waist 

" What do you want, hyuck" "Now my favorite hyung, we're going to have a Dream slumber party and since we have new members we said why not invite them over, of course if you allow us" "Will Mark be there or not, no okay I allow, but Jeno, look here" he said and kicked me out of his sight and called Jeno

"Look, you're in charge and if anything goes you will be punished" "What kind of punishment hyung ?" Mark asked jumping in the convo "Hyuck if you get more close to Yangyang you will unite" said Yuta hyung "There is a chair, I don't understand why you are sitting together"

"I don't think you need to understand, Yuta hyung" said Sicheng hyung protecting us, while the door opened quickly and one Jisung and Chenle came in "Hyung" Jisung said and ran to Jaemin "Ge" Chenle did the same to Kun hyung  after both of the mother figures opened their arms and hugged their babies, Jisung put Jwi on the table and hugged Jaemin tightly.

"Come on, that's enough, everyone, those who have a shooting should go to the shooting places, the free ones go to their dorms," said Taeyong hyung and everyone stood up "Hyung," said Sungchan, and everyone except Jisung turned to him, "Can a few of you come to our apartment and help us move things?" 

After Sungchan's question, Taeyong hyung looked at the list in his hand and said, "Johnny, Jaehyun, Donghyuck and Mark, you're  helping, I don't want any complaints" and left the room with those who were in 127's dormitory.

*2-3 hours later in the evening*

We were all busy cooking or setting the table when there was a knock on the door but we realized that there would be more people as Jisung went and opened the door "HI SISTERS SISTER JUNGWOO CAME" Jungwoo hyung shouted with Mark behind him "Hey what are you doing here" said Jaemin coming from the kitchen

"I heard that you took the non-dream members as well, so since I got bored in the dorm I decided to drop by I found Mark on the way and brought him too," said Jungwoo hyung and while he was talking to the others, I went to the kitchen to look at the cooked ramen with Jeno and Renjun "Let me guess, he brought Mark hyung. and you're disturbed by it" Renjun said I just nodded

"I don't wanna be like meddling but as a leader I think I have a right to that, don't you think you're exaggerating too much Hyuck yes I get it because Mark hyung is uncomfortable with you and suddenly not as close to you as he used to be when he left the dream and it hurt you but he had to leave the dream just because of the concept."

"You don't need to remind him every time that he's not a dream member. Do you expect Chenle and Jisung to do the same to us when we leave, no, let me guess, you'll stay at the dorm when we leave, but after Mark hyung left, you don't let him stay in the dorm."

"I'm emphasizing you because if it was up to me I wouldn't have let you act like this but Jaemin came and told me not to get too involved before he told tell me that there was a private matter between you and Mark hyung but it's enough. You're acting as if you didn't grow up with Mark hyung. I'm tired of you acting like a stranger, it's affecting Jisung and Chenle too, so pull yourself together and stop your spoiled behavior, you understand me?"

"Oh I get it, I get it, you're taking the side of Mark just like the others, attacking me without knowing how I feel" "This has nothing to do with taking sides," Jeno said, this was turning into a fight "Your behavior is hurting the group and you don't realize it" "You dont know anything"

"Then tell me Hyuck so I can speak to him" he said and without saying anything, I left the kitchen and walked to my room slammed the door yes I was too squeamish but I was angry  about Jeno's self-conscious attitude, if you don't know don't talk, then after a few minutes that I spend in my room I heard a slight knock at the door

"Donghy-ah sorry Haechan I brought food, can you open the door or shall I leave and go?" I opened the door and looked at Mark angrily "Take your food and get lost because of you I had a fight with Jeno" I tried to slam the door in his face but he blocked it with his foot 

"Did you fight because of me, you're the one who stopped talking to me and treated me like an enemy all of a sudden, you're the one who prevented me from telling me what I did and not apologizing. You're the one who made me excluded and didn't let me stay in the dorm, but I'm the reason for your fight with Jeno?"

"Mark hyung you were going to sing us your new song, wrong timing?" said Chenle, who came to us "Oh no dear I'm coming now you go to the others" said Mark and sent Chenle "Haechan what did I do to you why don't you talk to me I don't know  but I know you have a valid reason I can't have misunderstood you all these years" there was silence for a few seconds 

"I'm sorry I'm sorry whatever I did I miss us, I miss spending time together" and left me there with a guilty heart

*End of the Chapter*

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