Chapter 2

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It was late in the evening and everyone in the team decided to go to the pub as everyone needed the break. Deep inside Alex was unwilling to have any fun. He was way too exhausted because of his mind and his uneasiness. But he knows his so-called best friend is not going to let him go home yet. 'Alex, you are slowing like a grandma today' said Leo with a mocking tone. 'And my grandma is faster than this grandma we have here' added Leo with a wink. 'Ready?' asked Alex with fake enthusiasm. 'More ready than you buddy' jumped Leo. They started working toward the team. As per the plan, the other members of the football team would be waiting at the entrance of the court and asked everyone to reach at 8 pm exactly.

'Tylor will be cursing us now. Am fu****g sure about that' Leo said in an emotionless voice. ' He said to gather at 8 pm and it is already 8.15 pm'. 'it's all right Leo. He is not going to eat you' Alex's calm voice gave strength to Leo. 'Still, he is going to scold me for being late. He won't say a single word to you. He is afraid. But for him am a shit' Leo was startled by his phone's vibration. 'WE ARE DEAD. See who is calling 'Just take the call, Leo. He won't say anything. Just let him know we are on the way' 'ALRIGHT' said Leo angrily

'Hello' Leo answered the phone with a trembling voice. 'WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, YOU IDIOT' Tylor screamed. 'We are walking toward the entrance 'replied Leo. 'Just don't, we are not going to wait for any idiots anymore so come to Pastly directly and we will leave after having something. Everyone is tired. So, let's eat first' Tylor hangs up without hearing Leo's reply. 'He said' Leo turned toward Alex. 'You don't have to tell me what he said. I heard everything. he was too loud' Alex sighed. 'isn't he? Am afraid I would have to consult a doctor tomorrow. My ears are aching' Leo and Alex laughed aloud. Finally, he laughed at least once today thought by giving a deep breath.

Pastly is their favourite restaurant near their college. They serve different cuisine with mouth-watering tastes. The owner of the restaurant knows them very well and knows each of their favourites and allergies. By the time they reached Pastly restaurant, everyone was already there. They were waiting for their order to come. Alex and Leo walked towards them. 'Alex, you smell good' said Ben with a deep breath. 'That's how expensive perfumes smell like you idiot' Lucas teased Ben. 'Oh, I know. I often visit the perfume shop in the town. Isn't free to try them? They often give me free test strips as well' Ben said proudly. 'This is why everyone calls you idiot. A rich brat like him doesn't have to go to a perfume shop to get free strips. He owns it you idiot,' said Liam. 'Stop it guys, let's just stop talking about me.' Alex grabbed a seat near Ben and Leo sat close to him. Alex took his phone immediately and started messaging someone and put his phone back in his pocket. Within seconds Leo received a text message and he started reading it 'IDIOT, don't sit beside me to do the usual drama of yours. Just sit somewhere else or stay still.' an idiotic smile appeared on his face and he replied 'Rest assured; I will stay still'. Replied Leo. In your dreams thought Leo.

Tylor is a tall boy with a high fade textured quiff haircut which exaugurated his handsome face more. Tylor is jealous of Alex's popularity and followers. Even though he doesn't like Alex, He wouldn't show it on to his face. He just keeps his distance from Alex and his friends. He often talks about himself greatly, which often irritated other members of the team. They sometimes talk behind the back as well.

Everyone started having their food the moment they received it and the table became a mess immediately. 'Tylor, I heard you got proposed by the popular girl from the nearby college. Is that true?' asked Leo. Everyone looked at Leo with a disgusting look except Tylor. Ravi who sat beside Leo gave him a hard kick. 'You heard?' Tylor asked Leo with a bright face. His face looked so bright as if he just had his first kiss. 'Oh god. News runs so fast. I will tell you the whole story as you guys haven't had a proposal from a popular girl, from not even a girl' Said Tylor proudly. 'Am going to kill you, you fu**g a**ho*e' whispered Ravi to Leo. Tylor Started blabbering about the girl and her proposal. 'I haven't given my reply yet. I have too many proposals at the moment to reply to. I am exhausted because of these girls' added Tylor. 'You know, this girl is using him, she is actually into Alex' Liam whispered to Ben. 'How do you know' Ben asked excitedly. 'My girlfriend said. She is from there as well. She hates her. That girl is mean,' said Liam. 'YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?' 'Shh Ben, they will hear you. It is new. She propose to me yesterday and I didn't get time to tell you as well' Liam murmured. 'So, you love her?' Ben questioned him. 'I think I do. But we decided to go further once we got to know each other completely.' 'That's nice' Ben Smiled

By the time they finished their food, it was already 10 pm. So, they hurried to the Pub nearest to the restaurant.

'The line is longer than usual' Leo complained. All of them got inside after waiting 30 mins outside the pub. Alex walked towards the bar counter directly and Leo followed him. '

'Hello, Mike' Alex wished the bartender. 'Hello Alexie' Mike wished Alex back. Mike knows Alex since he doesn't remember. There is a story behind their relationship. Which is still unknown to even Leo. And Alex hasn't shared it with anyone else yet. Mike is a tall guy with long hair. Any person can see his hard chest muscles which cry hard to come out from his tight white shirt. His big hazel-colored eyes look cute. 'Alexie, I have a special drink for you today.' Mike gave Alex a blue-colored drink which has a big bubble on top.

Time passed quickly. And Alex became half drunk. He started walking towards the table he saw around the corner. The pub was crowded with many young adults and they were dancing like mad people. Some of them were puking in the middle and the corner of the pub. The cleaners came immediately and started cleaning the floor. The cleaner's face was clearly cursing them.

The dark and blinking lights made Alex dizzy. He looked everywhere for Leo. But he was no were to be seen. Again, left me alone to flirt girl, thought Alex. His vision blurred a little and he fastened his steps. He was about to fall over the table. But he felt a strong grip around his waist and an addicting smell. 'You smell delicious' said Alex with a sleepy tone. 'Don't say something like this to a stranger you just met. They may think you want to eat them. And you smell nice as well,' said the stranger. His deep voice gave chills in Alex's veins. He slowly looked at his face, he didn't see anything except that crystal blue eyes, which were mysterious.

'Alex' Called Leo aloud.

'Am leaving you here. Your friend is coming for you' said the stranger and vanished. Alex slowly fall into a deep sleep. A warm smile appeared on his face.

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