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❥ Y/N's POV

┊KEY -- [Y/N] = Your Name; [S/N] = Shop Name; [MX] = Preferred address (Mx., Mrs., Mr.,)┊

You remembered last night, when your phone rang at 2 AM in the morning. You thought that it might've been another spam call--considering it was an unknown phone number calling you-- and had repeatedly ignored the onslaught of the annoying ringing coming from the small device that laid on your nightstand. After a few more rings, however, you decided to actually pick up.

To your surprise, it was your grandmother; who was calling at a faraway hospital. Apparently she had gotten her spine injured after falling down the stairs to tend to her cat--as much as you cared for your grandmother, you thought the idea of getting your spine injured due to your cat was incredibly stupid, but you didn't say that. 

You drove all the way to the hospital she was in--regardless of how late it was for you. In the patient room was your grandmother, who was laying in bed with a hospital gown and some machinery around her. 

You remembered her smiling at you with some a determined grin, brushing off the fact that her spine was probably severely damaged. 

According to the doctors, she needed to stay in the hospital for a few months. Afterwards, your grandmother had requested for you to take care of her flower shop--and her cat. You hesitantly agreed due to already having a part time job and spending most of your time studying for online college. 

She did agree to pay you though, so that helped in convincing you to accept her request.

☁ ☀ ☁

And that's how you got yourself into spending the rest of your night, studying up and researching about the languages of flowers; how to take care of flowers; how to pick good assortments of flowers; how to make the shop look more appealing to customers; how to be a good businessman, etcetera.

You took another sip of your lukewarm coffee, your eyes not leaving your laptop that was probably about to die any moment now because of you not charging it beforehand--curse your overworked brain for forgetting things so easily. 

You sat near the cash register--around you were many pots full with all sorts of colorful blooms and plants, very picturesque in your opinion. 

Reds, yellows, blues, pinks, whites, it was incomprehensible to you with how vibrant nature could be--though, you blamed your disbelief with how you grew up with numerous fake plants around you; you remembered how you thought the plants were real when you were a kid. 

The pitter patter of the rain seemed to distract you a bit from your online work, and from your research of flowers. Turning to the windows, you found yourself paying attention to the water droplets that trailed slowly to the bottom of the glass panes. 

Then came in more droplets, and even more droplets coming down to the windows--you couldn't help but focus even more on them.

Your eyes followed the trail of the nearest water droplets that came after the last one you were watching--another one came down, then another one, then another one, then another one, then another one--

The sudden chime of the shop's wind chimes had snapped you out of your focus--did you get side tracked again? You hissed inwardly, damn you and your easily-distracted brain. You turned around to see what had came through the door, and found your first customer of the day; a man in a suit that began wandering around the flora. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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