《 Chapter 1 》

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Takemichi looked down at the view, out of his window. He saw and felt the frightening wind that was pushing against his window. Threatening to break it.

All of a sudden, a bright purple flash flodded his department's floor. And as he thought that the storm had finished, the rain came back, this time it came back hard and aggresive, which brought back more lightning and flashes.

Takemichi closed his eye's shut, wimpering under the sormy clouds that were up his window.

Takemichi's eyes threatened to throw tears, he was afraid of storms ever since....since- his father abused him which may i tell you was way back.....

He could still remember when his father took of his belt and lashed him with it.

Takemichi winced in pain, Takemichi's father would beat the poor 4 year-old boy until he collapsed from all the abuse that he would get from his dad..

Now, Takemichi is 10 years-old. Still holding his lash marks that his father carved into his skin with.

He would never forget those unforgivable scars. Not in a million years.

Take was in his apartment, particularly in his bathroom.

He was looking at his bathroom mirror, Staring blankly at it with his dull eyes.

Ever since his dad passed away in that car "accident" . He would be lonely, after that.

His mom had died due to all the abuse she was getting from takemichi's father....Take adored her mother, not only because she was sweet, and kind, and his mother. But it was because his mother was the only trusted friend , that he ever had. He could trust her, and she can trust him.

Take trusted no one but her, but after she died.... he had no one else to trust but himself.....

Takemichi's only trusted friend a.k.a his mom. He would no longer be able to hug her, talk to her, feel her soft touch against his skin. He could not go to anyone, he could not let his feelings his sadness go.

He had to bare this loneliness for years.....

And now.. here he was.

Grabbing a bright, shiny, ... sharp knife from the kitchen counter.

Takemichi no longer had the mind to live. He has gone through a lot of problems in his 10 years of living...

His fragile, innocent mind was ripped to shreds years ago. His sanity had been lost, his only "freind" was lost, and now- his own will to live had been lost....

Ugh shit..

He held the sharp knife near his wrist. His hand was shaking, he slowly but steadily put the sharp shiny pointy knife closer and closer onto his wrist.

He stoped..

He couldn't do it....he cursed and cursed to himself, over and over again.

'W-why cant i do it-' he whimpered at his thought. He put his head down and sobed. Letting the knife slip down his hands down the floor.

He yelped in anger and frustration for 10 minutes straight and then calmed down, his voice was raspy from all the screaming, and he decided to calm down. He thought that a stroll in the park would cool him down and make him get some courage to try and commit the unthinkable.

Ima make more soon, i swear!😔😤🙄

Until then-😩

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