¤{|Chapter 2|}¤

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Ugh shit..

He held the sharp knife near his wrist. His hand was shaking, he slowly but steadily put the sharp shiny pointy knife closer and closer onto his wrist.

He stoped..

He couldn't do it....he cursed and cursed to himself, over and over again.

'W-why cant i do it-' he whimpered at his thought. He put his head down and sobed. Letting the knife slip down his hands down the floor.

He yelped in anger and frustration for 10 minutes straight and then calmed down, his voice was raspy from all the screaming, and he decided to calm down. He thought that a stroll in the park would cool him down and make him get some courage to try and commit the unthinkable.


\{| A/N - Im so sorry for keeping some of you waiting, i dont think that this intresting right now, but i would definantly read the this story in order for you to understand what this plot will lead to! To be honest i felt like the last 3/4 of my book was the most i loved ♤♡♤|}/

After a bit of thinking, take quickly put on a quick change of clothing, and started heading down to the park.

Takemichi was walking around, enjoying his final last moments of fresh breeze! He looked up, the wind was very calm, the wet puddeles around eachcorners. The air was humid, and water was dripping from the leaves from the recent storm that passed by. This was the exact weather that suited takemichi.. It felt like his vibe, although he was a nice kid, he usally looked gloomy and sad. He still enjoyed it very much-

Untill he heard some lousy laughter.

'Tsk, cant i have a moment or even a peacful 1 minute break' he thought, showing a nerve poping from his forehead, making him look very irritated.

He was in complete boredom for a while, so he decided to follow the direction where the lousy laughter was.

"HAH, Never knew the black dragon's leaders was this weak!" A lousy teenager said.


Takemichi's eyes widend in shock, he looked at the lousy teen. He never once thought of helping a person he knew, much less a stranger...., why you may ask?, the answer is simple, becuase it was none.of.his.buissness.

Still the one thing he could never let go was seeing a "old man, or worse, a old woman" getting hurt or mentally abused.

It reminded him of his mother, how they held helplessly on the ground, crying, begging for anyone to help them.

Takemichi's eyes turned to a hard glare, Behind him there were some girls smoking and laughing manickingly at the sight of beating up the poor man.

The raven could smell the addicting ciggerate smell, his blood piled up... oh how badly he wanted one right now. Takemichi, even though his urge to ask the young teen girls if he can have one ciggerate or even a puff. He held his position strong and ran up to the lousy teen and punched him, with one swift move. Takemichi's black puffy hair bounced up showing his forhead.

"HA-" the teen screamed.

Compared to takemichi he was barley 12(Sorry changed the age for the sake of this story!-and the plot) and only 5'1, while that blond asshole was over 6ft and looked older than 17

The old guy A.K.A Shinchiro was amazed at how the tiny raven-haired boy that looked no older than 11 was beating up some highschool punk/jerk. Shinchiro chuckled, trying to see if the girls where there but to his suprise they were long gone.

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