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His breathing seemed to be the only thing you heard, how unsteady it was, almost shaky. As if he tried to hold in the excitement he felt.

You saw him. What greater gift could he ask for?

To be known, to have you know he was there. Your eyes on him.


His voice rang in your ears, seeming to echo in the space you used to know as the colorful Home. A place where all of your friends played and ran around, having so much fun.

But everything was dark now. The sky was a blood red. The only things you could make out were the bodies of your beloved neighbors, displayed around him.

"After so long..."

His axe dropped out of his hand, he didn't have any use for it anymore, so what was the point?

"...I am able to be your one and only friend."

As he spoke, you couldn't tell what expression he had on his face. The darkness of the sky shaded it out, or maybe it was just your brain mentally blurring him out.

"I'm happy. Are you happy?"

He walked closer to you, his tone having a faint hint of unsureness. You tried to move away from him but your limbs were bind together, he wanted to keep you in place. He wanted you to watch everything you had shatter into small pieces.

There were no neighbors to come to your safety, which was all you really had, so all hope of getting out of here was gone.

"We, can talk. No one can interrupt us, isn't that just swell? ...We can do everything, together."

He took his time talking to you, it seemed you two had all the time in the world after all.

Everything was gone.

You couldn't look anywhere near his direction, or more-so you didn't want to. That'd give him a sign. It would tell him that what he did was good, which gave you no reason to speak. You felt muted by his presence just near you, your throat didn't have the courage to let out a scream or a cry.

"Julie, Eddie, Poppy, Howdy, Frank, Sally...

and Barnaby."

His tone went mournful when the very last name left his mouth, he looked down and seemed to fidget with his hands, not knowing what to do next.

"I'm unsure... how you feel. I... want to know."

You couldn't feel, all emotions seemed to be sucked out of you, you were numb. Numbness that kept you silent, and that silence seemed to get to Wally.

"...You can tell me. ...Are you happy?"






His questions built up and the more they did, the more he felt himself questioning everything.

Then he stopped, walking closer to you until you were right below him. That was then when you were able to see his expression.

That smile, that horrible smile that you couldn't get out of your head. His eyes as well, how wide they were, his pupils practically shaking as they couldn't contain his anticipation for your voice to be heard.

He adored that voice, the one that would laugh, cry, and scream. But now, he couldn't have that. What were you feeling?

"...If you won't speak, then that means I'll have to make you.."

He said, gently placing his hand on top your head, pushing you back harshly, causing you to fall to the ground. The impact being so unexpected that it helped your throat produce a strained cry.

"...That's what I want to hear... Please, make more noises for me."

You were now laid on the ground in an uncomfortable position, your legs bending one way as your arms stretched the other behind your back. Wally had seemed to walk in front of your head as you looked up to him.

He came closer as he sat down, bringing your head onto his lap. Forcing you to keep eye contact with him.

"That noise.... Your head must hurt, huh? ...I'm sorry."

He gently started caressing your cheek, his eyes doting you. Wanting to take in all of your expression.

Moving your hair away your face, he simply stared. Eyes moving to each part of your face, the face that looked up at him.

Your eyes that only looked at him, your mouth that only spoke for him.

"You're quite ravishing, neighbor. Ah, though should I really call you that? Hm... Darling.. That fits you.. "

He chuckled, still gently stroking your hair and face. He was finally able to have you.

You were all his, there was no one left. All eternity, you, him, and Home.

"Let me hear your voice.. Just one word... My name? That'll be easy for you.."

You couldn't, you didn't want to. If you said it, then that would give him some sort of satisfaction. Anything you'd say he'd take and contort it into the words he wanted to hear.

Then, you felt his fingertips gently slide along your neck. The look on his face as he felt you so close to him.

"Say it.. Please..."

"W.. w.." Your voice faintly gave out, if you did as he asked, maybe you'll make it out alive. There was always the slight chance he'd be angry with you, and you didn't know what would happen then.

"Please..." He begged more, his face seeming so sad that you almost believed it.

But, no. You couldn't. Who cared anymore. You would end up dying sooner or later anyways.

"..." Wally's body went tense, you felt horrible. You hoped that the pain would end quickly.

"Haaa.... Haha...." He snickered, though you could tell with the tone of his voice that he was anything but pleased.

"Darling... Say. My. Name.... Say anything..! Anything from you at this point will do..."

He whispered as he leaned in more towards you, his head laying beside yours as he took in the feeling of you.

"...Why..?" You were able to mutter out.

Wally then picked up his head, a genuine smile on his face appeared to replace his unhinged one.

"Are you silly? Why? Why? Because, darling! All of this, was for you." He giggled.

Why? Why not just simply ask you to be his? Everything would be better, you'd still have your friends.

"It isn't that simple, darling. I could see how everyone would look at you, and how you'd look back. That isn't very nice of you to do..." He responded to you, as if he heard your thoughts. With how silent it was, you wouldn't be surprised if he were able to.

"Hehe.. now though, I don't have to worry. It's just us, so why don't you say it,"

He stood up, your head gently dropping off of his lap. Turning towards your body, he held you up, holding you in his arms.

"...Say what...?" Your cracky voice spoke out.

The grip Wally had on you then tightened as he brought your face closer to his.

"I love you."


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