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The wind harshly blew into the office window, which was left open

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The wind harshly blew into the office window, which was left open. It rattled through the walls and sounded like someone screaming.

The brunette felt something creep up her, the culprit was the wind, shamelessly messing up her once neatly straightened hair. With a groan she stood up to go and close the window before any more damage could be done.

She yanked the handle and pulled it inwards,it slammed shut

Turning around, she walked back to her desk, trying to rearrange the important papers and files and make sure that everything was still there.

After fixing everything which had moved around she relaxed and sunk back into her office chair.

However, she was pulled out of her mindless daydreaming with the shrill screech of the office phone.

Intrigued, she picked up the phone and lifted  it up to her ear as she attempted to finish the last of her paperwork. The phone was situated between her shoulders and her ear as she tried to stop it from slipping with the side of her face. She swiftly started doing her signature, not really paying much attention to anything else...

It wasn't until she heard who was on the other side of the line when she began to pay attention.

SSA Aaron Hotchner, Lauren gave up with fiddling with the phone cord and stood up as she listened to what he had to say.

He practically had her anxiously pacing around the room in anticipation. From previous experiences she knows that whenever he calls, it's never anything particularly positive.

"Special agent Aaron hotchner, call me Hotch, is this Lauren turner?"

Lauren took a deep breath before answering "yes it is, what's wrong?"

The other end of the line went silent before he cleared his throat and told her the news.

" I'm calling to let you know that he's out"


"The guy that you testified against has been let out of prison. And we have reason to believe that he is going to target you and your father."

Her world came crashing down and her breath shuddered across her lips in shock.

She let out a shaky "ummm okay, how should I proceed?"

Hotch replied rather quickly with the idea for her to transfer to his unit: The BAU.

" It will be safer with the protection of my team and you can help us with the investigation, if you are comfortable."

"If you wish to move then let me know and i will send over the paperwork to your boss and you can be here by Monday."

" I'll let you think about it"

The line went dead and Lauren was left with thoughts circling around her head.

It brought back raw memories from when she testified against that horrid man with her father.

They won and were so pleased, however, she didn't ever think that he would be let out so early!

She quickly tidied up her belongings and made her way to her bosses office, after explaining the situation he allowed her to leave early.

The entire journey back to her apartment, it played on her mind.

When she finally made it back, she collapsed on the couch, and massaged her forehead as she could feel a headache begin to form from stress.

She knew what she had to do, she picked up her mobile phone and went through her contacts until she found the right number.

" Hello, is this the BAU department"

"Yes, what's your name and business for calling?"

" I'm agent Turner and I would like to be put through to SSA Hotchner about an issue regarding a case, please."

"Of course, one second."

It was silent for a minute before she heard the click on the line indicating a new person has been transferred to the call.

She knew that it was Hotchner on the other side now.

" I've made a decision."


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I love this prologue, me and Lizzy have put a lot of work into it so Thank you for reading it!!

Check out the story of her Wattpad ellegreenwayslvr

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