Chapter 5

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Harry entered the door in his office once Draco left with a small smile. He entered his chambers to see Sev reading a book on the couch with tea and biscuit on the table. Sev looked up "You're certainly amused." he noted and Harry couldn't help chuckle at that before sitting next to Sev and looking him in the eyes. Sev, getting the message entered Harrys mind and watched the memory before pulling out. Harry saw the small smile of amusement on Sevs  face "Well seems he's growing up. I do believe that those two are very good for each other. I don't think I've ever seen Draco with such a look in his eyes it was full of so much feeling, adoration, fondness." 

Sev looked into Harrys and whispered "and love." Harry looked back into Sevs eyes  "Love?" They stared into each others eyes for what seemed like forever and Sev nodded with a soft smile "Yes. Love." Harry smiled softly in return and leaned in as Sev started caressing Harrys cheek with his thumb. Slowly they leaned in, Sev giving Harry enough space and time to move away and reject him. But Harry wasn't going to, their lips touched in a soft manner, both hesitant but slowly they got into a rhythm. Building up courage Sev pulled Harry closer and deepened the kiss earning a small moan from the younger wizard. That little sound made Sev smile into the kiss. With one last surge Sev pulled away slowly and opened his eyes watching as Harry, with red lips flushed cheeks and a small smile fluttered his eyes open.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, still in a daze, both smiling slightly. Until Harry giggled and Sevs smile grew bigger. Sev continued caressing Harry cheek and lowered it to his jaw "Are you sure?" it was soft and showed the nerves that Sev was feeling. " Never been more sure of anything in my life." "I'm a git." Harry laughed lightly "Well from now on your my git." Sev huffed an amused and fond smile forming on his lips.

He saw something of concern slicker in Harrys eyes and he frowned slightly "What is it?" "I-It's just that, um." "It's ok, I'm here."  Harry looked  down, speaking softly and hesitant "Wh-what will people think?" understanding the concern from Harry, Sev didn't feel angry but nodded in understanding and smiled pulling Harry onto his lap "I haven't been to the muggle world in a few years, so I'm going to say that they frown upon it?" Harry nodded "They don't really support being  with the same gender nor the age gap thing." "Harry, what would you do if the Wizarding World didn't support us?" he wanted to know what the answer would be, just curious. Harry frowned "I'd say Fuck them. I can with who i want. they owe me, i saved them." he said seriously making Sev laugh and Harry smiled "Well, thank you and you're right, you did save them, me included. But there isn't anything to worry about. The Wizarding World supports all same gender couples, ones with an age gap and many more. Apparently they find it cute."

Harry relaxed and smiled. They stayed like that and talked, kissed and cuddled until dinner where they sat in the Great Hall.

Monday morning Harry couldn't stop grinning and jumping up and down. He was having a class with the seventh year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff's. He didn't need to teach them much for this year so he allowed them to study for the exams. He used and extra classroom and let them be, as long as they weren't too loud. The door opened slightly making him look up from where he was helping a Hufflepuff with her charms, to see a familiar little Gryffindor walking "Amy, what can do for you little one?" he asked as the girl smiled up at him "Good morning sir, Headmistress McGonagall asked me to tell you that she would like to see you and Professor Snape after lunch in her office please." "OK, thank you." "You're welcome. Um sir. I-if you don't mind can you sign this for me please?" he took the page she gave and saw it was a permission slip for Hogsmeade and frowned "Amy, dear, your caretaker is suppose to sign this." she looked pleadingly "Can't you? Please? I really want to go." he noticed something was off and knelt in front of her "Amy what's going on?" her eyes widened and she shook her head "I-It's nothing, I'm fine. I-If you can't its alright. Sorry f or disturbing you sir." she went to grab the slip but Harry took her hand and noticed her flinch and his frown deepened "Amy i want you in my class after dinner tonight." he said sternly. "B-But." "No buts. My class at 6 sharp. Do you understand?" she looked to be on the verge of crying and nodded "Y-Yes sir." "Good. I'll have this signed by then. Go to class." He stood up and watched her leave before rubbing a hand on his face sighing 'Poor kid'

Sev had a free period before lunch and just finished grading papers, he sat down on the couch in his office when the door banged open and a frowning Harry came in and sat down. "Harry?" the boy just said "Minerva wants to see us after lunch." Sev frowned "Then why are you frowning?" When Harry looked up at Sev, the look of grief in the boys eyes was so much that Sev almost flinched. He pulled Harry onto his lap and ran his fingers through the boys hair "Love, what's wrong?" "I think one of my Griffs are getting abused." Sev froze and turned Harry to face him "What? How do you know?" "Come-on, i know how it feels, i know all the signs. I saw the flinching, the terror in her eyes . Sev it broke my heart." Sevs eyes softened and "Oh love." He pulled Harry into a hug and let the boy nuzzle his face into Sevs neck. After calming down he pulled back "I'm going to confirm tonight. But for now, as Head of House am i allowed to sign a students permission slip?" Sev thought about it "I'm afraid not, but i think that one of your Gryffindor's needs a new Potions book. I think you should take them to get one this weekend, maybe in Hogsmeade?" Sev gave an encouraging smile and Harry grinned nodding "I think so too."

They both laughed "Thank you Sev." "Anything for you love." Harry smiled and gave his boyfriend a surging kiss.

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