04-Daddy issues

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Charlotte sat in her room and looked to see Chloe as she stood in the doorway and looked to her "what are you doing" Chloe asked as Charlotte sat looking at her phone

"Nothing" Charlotte said

"Charlie. I know you. Look I need to talk to you. Caroline is missing and I am worried" Chloe said. Charlotte looked to her and frowned. She was worried and she couldn't help but worry over her sister

She was scared. She knew her sister and she knew that she was a vampire and how since caroline turned that she could handle herself and it worried her

She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "Why do I have a feeling that klaus is behind this"

"It's hun that you need to worry over he's still gone and I can see that he got you a gift. Your my sister and so is care, I just have a bad feeling I mean mom was asking questions"

"Mom knows she's a vampire. Mom wouldn't hurt care chlo, but I know who would. Come on" Charlotte said as she stood from the bed

"We're are you going" Chloe asked as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"We are going to find our sister. Come on, your going to take your mind off of Damon and how he is spending time with bambi and I am going to take my mind off a certain hybrid who won't leave me alone and stood sending me gifts" Charlotte said as she looked to the stack of gifts packed up in the corner of the room

Chloe looked to them in shock "what the...why don't you just let him fuck you it's clear what he wants" Chloe said

"Chloe Forbes wash your mouth out" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and smirked as they walked out of the house

Charlotte stood in the grill and looked to see Chloe as she walked in and looked to her "what is it" Charlotte asked

"I've looked everywhere. I have been to every stop. Her phone isn't ringing and it's care and she was meant to meet Tyler and there's something not right. And I think I am going mad" Chloe said as Charlotte stood clearing up and looked to him

"And why do you say that" she asked as Chloe frowned


"I am pretty sure that I saw our father" she said as Charlotte frowned. She was worried she she knew what her father was like and what he was capable of and it scared her

"Are you sure" Chloe asked as Charlotte nodded

"I know who are father is and what he is capable of" Chloe said

"Go and get Damon. Tell him what is going on and that we need his help. This isn't good" Charlotte said

"Charlie what's going on" Chloe asked as Charlotte sighed

"I think I know where care is and if our father knows that she is a vampire" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and nodded

Charlotte sighed as she leant against the bar. She stood scrolling through her phone and sighed as she looked to klaus contact and it scared her. She had found herself wanting his attention. Wanting his help. She knew that he was dangerous but she also knew how he dealt with things

She knew that she needed help and she knew that she needed to find caroline and she knew that she couldn't try and rely on the vampire, the hybrid who seemed to have a connection, an obsession with her.

Charlotte knew that she was a human and there was only so much thy at she could do

"Mom it's me. I need your help" Charlotte said as she called her mom

She was desperate

Charlotte sat in the house and looked to see Liz as she walked in and looked to her "are you sure it's your father" liz asked

"Chloe saw him. Look, I know what our family's think of all these monsters and that but care is my sister and I dint care if he is my father when she turned she became a better person and I don't know where she is. I don't know if she's okay and your the sherif and your the only one thing can help her" Charlotte said

Liz looked to her daughter and smiled "I know I will sort it out" she said as Charlotte sighed

She looked to see her phone ring and frowned as she stood and walked off. She walked out of the house and frowned as she saw her father. She frowned as she looked to see her father

She felt anger over come her as she walked over to hun "where is she?"

"Nice to see you too Lottie" he said

"Don't. Don't you call me that. Only one person calls me that and I dint even like him. You took caroline, you sick freak"

"She's a vampire"

"Do I look like I give a fuck. She's my sister and your daughter. You walked out on your three daughters. You know nothing. Let her go as we will find her" she said as she walked off

He grabbed her arm as she pulled away from him and glared

"Crawl back in your hole when your done" she spat as she walked off

Charlotte knew how frustrated and angry that she was

Charlotte stood on her phone as she went to call klaus "hello?" She heard his voice say as she smiled. She didn't know what it was about him but she knew him and what he was capable of and how e he was chasing her still and part of her loved the attention

"It's me"

"Ah Lottie. What do I owe this phone call off of the phone that you didn't want" he asked. She could tell that he was smirking

"I...I need your help. My father has taken caroline. I need you" she said as he chuckled

"Don't worry I'm on my way love" he said as she smiled.
She knew how things were and how it was a mess but she had no idea how everything was going to change between her and klaus mikealson

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