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Name: Arkady Bohuslav
Callsign: Kasper
Unit: SSO
Date of birth: April 21, 1988
Place of birth: Kyiv, Ukraine
Height: 6'2" (1.87m)
Weight:220lbs (99.7kgs)

Loadout:Hk 416 Glock 17

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Hk 416
Glock 17

Gadget: a small radius jammer that blocks the electronic signals to explosives, cameras or radiosBio:     Growing up Arkady watched Ukraine struggle to recover from the fall of the Soviet Union, his family struggled to feed themselves

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Gadget: a small radius jammer that blocks the electronic signals to explosives, cameras or radios
Growing up Arkady watched Ukraine struggle to recover from the fall of the Soviet Union, his family struggled to feed themselves. He attended school and continued to learn about the struggles and pain his nation felt as part of the Soviet Union. Quickly he grew a deep hatred for the soviets and in turn he became very patriotic, when he turned 19 he joined the Ukrainian Army after a brief time abroad visiting Western Europe, joining as a Communications specialist. He joined the SSO 5 years later after going through selection and qualification courses, in 2014 when Russia invaded Crimea he was deployed in Operation Atalanta conducting Counter Piracy Operations off the Horn of Africa. His unit was called back to Ukraine to engage in the counter offensive against Russian forces on the peninsula, where he found out many of the corrupt units in the SSO had turned on Ukraine and joined the Russia forces or splinter ukrainian groups and even more had simply left Crimea when Russia gave them the chance.
He hated how they could abandon their country so easily and vowed he would make sure they didn't make it out alive. He fought hard and distinguished himself despite how hopeless the fight was, only taking part is small counteroffensives covering the retreat of the Ukrainian national guard. Once a peace agreement was met and the Ukrainian army started to rebuild Arkady remained in special forces taking part in border clashes, in 2019 when the new president was elected Arkady had hope that the army might finally have hope of standing up to any foreign adversaries. When the White Masks started focusing on Eastern Europe given the discourse between Russia and former soviet states the west started getting involved, sending several special forces units to help the Ukrainians engage the masks, Russia begrudgingly assisted.

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