"I don't think I'm that special"

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Okay, before we get this story started


I have been MIA for a very long time.

Why? Because I was busy with work and reading.
Yes, I do have a life. Breathing and hanging by a thread. So, yes. we ok 👌

But hey, hope you like this one.

"Class, please settle down. You're not the only one excited to finish this day. So, how about you give me some time to speak and maybe I'll give you an early dismissal"

Well, that's one way to shut up a class. Nothing's better than an early dismissal-

"I'll cut to the chase, we're having a field trip"

Huh, I stand corrected.

To say my classmates were ecstatic was an understatement. It's still a wonder why I haven't had a sensory overload when I am surrounded by all this noise.

"Where?! Where?! Oh please tell us where!" Cindy jumped repeatedly, more to annoy our teacher and less curious at to where we're going.

" Cindy, sit down. You're giving me a headache" Mr. Warren said, just really done with our class.

Well, the teachers here at Midtown have a love and hate relationship with our class; with a class field with straight A student, minus one (guess who), and all of the Academic Decathlon team being here, they have less to teach but also get to be called out when one of us challenged whatever they were teaching.

"It's more of a surprise, the Principal will announce the location in 7:30 AM sharp on Monday. You are all expected to be at the auditorium by then, not a minute late. Take note to bring 1 notebook, 1 pen, some pocket money, your phone and school ID. Snacks during the trip to the location will be provided, we will also have our lunch there and I believe they will be giving giveaways after the tour. Please get one permission slip on your way out. Hand it to me on Monday, no later than 7:15 AM. Enjoy your weekend."

Mr. Warren stood by the door holding a light blue permission slip as we line up to get out of the class.

"Are you sure you don't know where's the field trip?" MJ asked Mr. Warred

"Well Miss Jones, I didn't expect you to be interested—"

"It's not that I'm interested....if it'sa boring one I don't want to go"

"Miss Jones, even if you don't want to go you are actually expected to be there because you are the Captain of the Academic—"

"Eh, whatever" she dismissively wave at him as she took 1 permission slip and step out of the classroom and continue on reading her book.

"Don't mind her Mr. Warren, she's just pissed because Flash bothered here while she was reading" Ned gave Mr. Warren an awkward smile.

I took 2 permission slip for me and Ned and gently him pushed out of the room.

"Thank you Mr. Warren, see you on Monday. Happy Weekend!" I shouted while we catch up with MJ.

"Parker, no funny business on Monday! If you go missing again I swear to my whole teaching career-"

"I won't, I promise!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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