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I stood outside the familiar school building and let out a heavy sigh. It is currently my Senior year at Wellsbury College and anxiety clawed at every part of my chest.

Last year was a serious 'year-gone-bad' for me, seeing as my sexuality happened to leak through the stupid school's social media page and I was picked on relentlessly.

Then I met Annie, now my best friend, and she taught me how to "respectfully not give a fuck" as she had put it one night at my house while she was painting her nails a bright blue.

A sharp call dragged me out of my daze and I blinked, looking around confused. "Marcus! Marcus!" Annie's voice filled my mind and I turned to the sound of her voice, instantly cringing.

She was wearing a bright pink crop top and some lime green shorts that had a pair of purple fishnets sticking out from them, a pair of baby blue pumps, her hair done up almost like The older sister in 'The Goldbergs'

She rolled her eyes that were covered up with thick eyeshadow and pursed her pink lips trying to stop herself from saying anything. I tried to hold my laugh in as I looked her up and down once more, realizing, very painfully, that she was my best friend.

Once I burst out laughing she caved into her 'hold it together' bullshit and started talking really fastly, "You know Marcus, you are so judgy. It is our senior year and change is good and healthy and  unlike you and your boring black clothing I actually want to stand out and get attention, especially Amy's and I just busted myself out to you and shall we go into the building or else we will be getting a detention on our first day and I don't wanna explain that to my mother. "

I watched as she took a gigantic intake of breath." So you do like Amy? Huh last I heard from you, you would rather suck me off. " I said, watching her face turn almost the same shade as her lipstick.

To avoid the next waterfall of words that was destined to come crash over me, I turned on my heel and walked towards the school building and kept my pace fast enough that Annie had to run to keep up with me.

Once we were inside, I walked instantly to my Biology class knowing well that Annie had Maths first period and wouldn't be able to follow me.

As I entered my biology class, my eyes landed on my table which was usually empty but now occupying a tall muscular boy with almost bleach blonde hair, eyes bluer than the sky on a perfect day and he flashed a smile, illustrating his perfect pearl white teeth.

My breath hitched in my throat when he looked up and made eye contact with me and smiled faintly, then looked away at Adrian who was calling out to him.

I ignored the anxious bubble that returned from earlier and walked to the table, pulling my hood tightly over my head and trying my best to melt into the hard plastic chair underneath me.

Thankfully, the period passed by quickly and I didn't need to talk to new guy. I rushed over to my French class and to my horror I was late.

"Bonjour M. Slade. En retard. Encore. Quelque chose ne vieillit pas, n'est-ce pas? " (Hello Mr. Slade. Late. Again. Somethings just don't get old do they? ) Mrs. Monet said out to me, making half of the class snicker wildly.

"Désolé Mme Monet, je sais. Et cette année, je m'efforce d'être un meilleur élève que l'an dernier." (Sorry Mrs. Monet, I know. And this year I strive to be a better student than last.)

I responded in fluent French, earning an eyebrow raise from my teacher and some shocked gasps from classmates.

I shook my head and went to sit when she pointed to my chair. "Bonjour à toute la classe. Bienvenue aux seniors français. Tout d'abord, nous allons commencer par tourner à la page-" (Good morning Class. Welcome to senior French. Firstly we will start by turning to page-) her voice was cut off by the door suddenly whooshing open.

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