Episode 6: the Ultimate lifeform

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Team M&S begin their quest starting off at Tails's house

Sonic: okay so where should we start?

Knuckles: I suggest we split up into 3 groups

Sonic: nah I don't like that idea. Hey maybe we should split into 3 groups

Knuckles: what?! Hey!

Tails: no matter who's idea it was both of you are right. We'll need to split up to find at least one emerald and then meet up back here. Luigi your with me and we'll use my tracker to find them

Luigi: okie dokie

Tails: Mario your with Sonic *gives them the blue emerald* use this to locate the emeralds. If it starts flashing fast that means theirs an emerald

Mario-Sonic: okay

Yoshi: so that leaves me with Knuckles? Yeah a new buddy! *attempts to hug Knuckles*

Knuckles: Don't. Even. Think. About it

Yoshi: aww

Tails: anyway Knuckles will go with Yoshi since he has can sniff the emeralds right Mario

Mario: yes he can. Can't you Yoshi?

Yoshi: yes I can!

Sonic: alrighty. We'll meet up back here in an hour or 2 and find out what we've found

They all split up and a montage of finding the emeralds starts

A little while of searching later Luigi and Tails began picking up a signal for the emerald near a bush

Tails: it looks like the emerald is over there

Luigi: oh yeah! Score 1 for us-a! Yahoo!

They head over to the bush. Just then Tails's tracer picks up something else

Tails: huh? What's this?

Luigi: is something Tails?

Tails: yeah. I'm picking up another energy signature. You go check that bush while I check it

Luigi: okay

He then goes into the bush grabs the emerald

Luigi: Wahoo! Luigi Number 1!

Just then someone takes the emerald

Luigi: hey! Get back here!

He then takes out a super leaf and becomes Fox Luigi and takes off

Tails: wait Luigi! Come back! That unknown frequency must be one of Eggman's goons. I'd better go get the others and warn them *flies away*

Back with Luigi he manages to snag the emerald and hide. He then makes his way back only for the mysterious figure he chased to show up again. That being none other than Shadow the Hedgehog

Shadow: give me the chaos emerald human

Fox Luigi: n- no!

Shadow: look I tried to be nice so I'll say it again. Give me the chaos emerald now!

Fox Luigi: sorry sir but my mama said I'm-a not allowed to talk to strangers so I'll just-a going now and-

Shadow: so you won't give to me huh? Well then I'll just take it from you instead

Fox Luigi: I will not-a fight but I will defend myself!

Shadow: hmph. Have it your way. But you must feel pretty idiotic to challange me. Do you even know who I am

Fox Luigi: n- no

Shadow: I'm Shadow the Hedgehog. The ultimate Lifeform and I will be your defeat!

After a few minutes of fighting both just stare at each other

Shadow: I have to admit your strong for a human. And I respect that

Luigi: thank you so much-a

Just then the rest of Team M&S arrived

Sonic: Shadow?

Shadow: Sonic?

Mario: Luigi?

Luigi: Mario?

Yoshi: popcorn?

Everyone stares at Yoshi

Yoshi: what?

They head back to Tails's house and Shadow explains his side of the story

Shadow: so Rouge, Omega and I, split up to find you guys and the emeralds but I see that we've found 2 already. Anyways mind telling me who those guys are?

Sonic: the red one is Mario, the green one is Luigi and the dinosaur is Yoshi

Shadow: I take your all not from around here?

Mario: not really? Hey maybe you can-a help us find the Emeralds

Shadow: kinda the point really. And if the doctor is involved then it's my problem too

Knuckles: not only do we have to stop Eggman and this Bowser guy but we also need to figure out how we're gonna get home and fix our worlds

Tails: well I do have the remains of the gateway Eggman built. But I've never dabbled with dimensional space before

Luigi: I think I know the person who can-a help

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