A Quest

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The sound of hooves beating on the hard ground with the horses huffing and puffing from running a lot as they are chasing a deer in a forest. The sound of an arrow whistled through the air and hit the deer while the deer fell and landed on the ground with a loud thump. Some cheers came from the riders as three elves came into view with two dwarves on small ponies as they were huffing.

"You know you elves sure like to ride fast, our ponies almost did not catch up with you three..." said a dwarf that is a female and has ginger, long braided fuzzy hair while looking around with another dwarf.

"Say, where is our friend?" The other dwarf said that is a female also with the same hair but straight.
There was a shake in the bush and there came our Peter as he had a red baggy shirt with tight brown pants and a black cloak on. His hair was messy and has some scars here and their form of sword fighting training over the last two months.

"I see you finally got the deer." Peter said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, we sure did, huh Kat?" an elf with light brown skin and brown hair with gray eyes said as he smirked.

"Yeah, we sure did Mike." Kat said as she has pale skin and black hair and orange eyes.

"Zozo, Jojo, grab the deer. We are heading back home. It has been two months for Peter here and he needs to get back." A brown skin with dark freckles, long past blond braided hair with ice-blue eyes as he rode next to Peter.

"Yeah, yeah, leave it to us dwarves. Come on, sister." Zozo said while getting off her pony and walked over to the deer with her sister Jojo.
Peter smiles at them as over the last two months he gains some new friends. There are Mike and Kate. Both of them are close friends and Mike became Peter's tutor, while Kate is their healer and helper in the group. Then there are the twins, Zozo and Jojo, the two she dwarfs. Peter met them in a cave one stormy night and they became superb friends. Now for the last one, and his name is Sam. He is his best friend, and they started being friends when Sam saved Peter from a wild bear. Now you are wondering how everyone joins with Peter because he was a human and all. Well, they saw courage, strength, and honor in Peter. So here they are hunting a deer and now getting ready to head back to Queens Sofie's kingdom. Once the deer is all cut up and the skin of the deer is skinned and put in a bag all ready for a sale.

"Alright, we are ready to head off." Jojo said while getting on her little pony so is Zozo.

"Great, now let's go!" Zozo said with a smile and headed off with Jojo behind her.

"Pfft dwarves." Kate whispers while both Zozo and Jojo look over their shoulders and look at Kate with a glare.

"Elves!" said both Zozo and Jojo as they kept on heading forward while Sam and Peter followed them as Mike rode next to Kate.

"Maybe next time say it when they are a little further away from us," Mike said with a smirk.
Kate rolled her eyes and followed the others with Mike beside her. They all follow a path that leads to Sofie's kingdom. When they reach the kingdom, they can see the white castle with a white hue around it. Peter smiles as he doesn't want to see Raine and the others back at the castle, especially Raine. Once they made it to the doors of the kingdom, everything was the same thing when Peter left to go on his adventure. Some elves looked up from what they were doing then started to gospel before every elf stopped what they were doing and headed over to Peter and welcomed him back to the kingdom while Peter's friends smiled and nodded their heads at the elves.

"Peter! Peter!" Peter looked over and saw two elves that he had not seen for a long time.

"Tron? Phillip?" Peter said as Tron and Phillip walked out of the crowd with a smile on their faces. "GUYS!" Peter's voice sounded excited and got off his horse and hugged Phillip and Tron as they hugged him back.

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