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TW/CW: sexual harassment, language, stalking, violence


I quickly looked around the mall and found the escalators. I got on and waited patiently. I was very impatient for a matter of fact. As soon as I got up, I ran over to Chloe as she pulled me into a hug. "Hey bae, what's good??" She smiled brightly at me. That smile was the one I grew to love over the past few years, she was my very best friend.

I stared at her for a moment with a straight face. "I think somebody I know likes me," I whispered, giggling. "No. Way!! Oh my god dude, who??" Chloe exclaimed with pure excitement. "Somebody you may find out someday," I winked and walked as she followed, still very curious.

"Girlie spill the tea!" She pouted. "Nah, i think I'll keep it a secret," i smirked at her. She kept begging for me to tell her, and I never spilled. I normally would but it's funny to see her frustrated when I don't tell her things. "It's somebody really tall," I hinted. "That's not enough infoo!!" Chloe cried in hopes I would tell her who. It was funny to see her stumped, she'd always know who was who.

As we continued to walk around and do normal mall stuff, it felt as if somebody had been watching us and our every move, which I was heavily uncomfortable with. Since I found out Ghostface was stalking me at one point for a while, I've been pretty scared. Perhaps he'd use something against me that he's seen.


After about half an hour of shopping and walking around, I decided to go to grab something from the vending machine, when suddenly my cell phone rang. No caller id? I answered "Hello?" "Hey (Y/N), what's up?" It was Ghostface. "Oh not much at all, just at the vending machine," I replied before continuing what I was saying, "but yeah I should be done in about an hour perhaps, it depends." We finished talking and he eventually hung up, allowing me to continue with my activity.

I found Chloe and some guy was hitting on her. I walked up to her and the guy and said "dude back the fuck off, this is my bae," I said proudly, lightly pushing him away. "Yo who's this fucker?" One of his friends walked up behind him and asked. "I'm you're non existing balls." I flipped them off, then grabbed Chloe's hand and walked away. One of them stopped in front of me and the jerk who went to my friend first grabbed my waist from behind.

"I like them when they're playing hard to get~" he whispered into my ear huskily. "Fuck you." I tried to get out of his grasp, when his friend had grabbed my wrists. "Hey, fuck off, leave my friend alone!!" Chloe exclaimed, trying to pull them off of me. She couldn't even make a dent in their position, which was strange. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME, YOU FUCKING PRICK!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs like I'd been being murdered.

A bunch of people in the mall started to stare and film, while others went to go get the security to help. I continued to cry as they tried to move closer onto me. A pair of twins, a boy and a girl, who looked like they weren't much older than me came over and try to pull them off, with Chloe helping. "Watch it, fuckstain, this is our sister!" The boy said. Huh? We weren't siblings?

Ohh. They were trying to help. Chloe immediately seemed to catch on. I quickly pushed the two teenagers off of me and security came running over. They had put the two young men in cuffs. You could hear them yelling "It wasn't us!" "This was a misunderstanding!!" So pathetic, can't even own up to their own actions, maybe I wouldn't absolutely sue their asses in court. God, don't I love my jokes! I'd sue them anyways.

The twins came up to me and quickly started to comfort and reassure me. "Oh my god, thank you so much," I grew tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop apologizing, it's because of their actions, I didn't get raped or anything.


As our time in the mall concluded, Ghostface came and picked me up from the place. I got into the car and buckled myself up and we began to drive back to my house. The whole ride we just sat there in pure silence, and I don't know why. What could've happened? He didn't even turn on the radio at all.

After we got on the couch, we just sat there, not even staring one another in the eyes. "Y'know, the silence is louder than the noise itself," I said softly, hoping to start some sort of conversation. "(Y/N), what happened?" Ghostface said in the most stern tone he had in a while. "Huh?" What had made him worry about me? "Don't play dumb, what happened at the god damn mall?!" He began to raise his voice.

How the fuck did he find out about that– oh wait. Those little dipshits recorded the whole fucking thing. "I don't like it when you raise your voice at me." I muttered, hoping he'd calm down.

Ghostface took a moment and exhaled before continuing. "What did those boys at the mall do to you?"

"They.. they were hitting on my friend."

"What happened after that, (N/N)?" (N/N = nickname) he continued to ask me questions. "I went off on them and they.. they tried to sex me." I giggled a little bit at the last part, but my voice was still breaking. How could Ghostface find the videos on the internet? It's not like I'm on America's got talent.

To Be Continued..

_end of 11_


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