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Darius's pov:

I was on the monorail, hanging off slightly while I held Ben's hand, trying not to let him fall.

"Darius! Please don't drop me!" He cried. His hand was slipping.

"Please!" He begged as he slipped more.

I had to get him up quickly, I held on with as much strength as I could. I had my feet on the wall stopping me from falling, I took advantage of this and pushed myself back so that I would pull Ben up.

He pulled him up so that I was on my back and he was lying on me, he was on the monorail, finally.

The others quickly picked him up and hugged him. He didn't even thank me.

They finally broke the hug and started talking, again, he still hasn't thanked me, after that, no one has said anything to me, it was as if I was just some stupid tool they used to help them. And then they threw me back into the box.

It upset me, but at least they were happy. My stepfather taught me that even if something upsets me, I have no right to complain. My opinion doesn't matter, so I should suck it up and smile.

I looked around the monorail, it was still moving, I looked out the left side, where the pteraodon came from, I looked to my right, to see the same pteraodon going for Ben a second time, but I couldn't, I couldn't and wouldn't let it grab him.

I ran and pushed Ben out the way so that the pteraodon would grab me instead, which it did.

I tried to get lost, but I failed. I was being taken away.

When I looked back at the monorail, the others were panicking, I looked over at Yaz, she threw something in my direction, wich I caught, It was a stone, I did the first thing that came to mind and I hit its claws with the stone, it stopped moving while it was flying, and it just was in one spot in the air, and I used this as my chance to attack, I hit it with the rock over and over again.

Yaz's pov:

I threw a stone towards Darius, hoping he'd use it to attack it and free himself.

"Come one, darius!" I whispered to myself.

He did it. He was attacking the pteraodon, it stopped moving, and was just flying in the same spot.

When all of a sudden it flew high and fast, it did what I would consider a backflip, and it threw darius high into the air to allow him to fall.

Ben's pov:

We watched as darius fell, arms and legs in the air, back ready to hit the floor
He was not ever going to survive that. It was impossible.

He was a dead man.

------------------ time skip -------------------

We were running towards the docks, where the boat should have been.

But when we arrived, the rescue boat was gone.

"They- they'll be back for us, right?" Sammy asked.

"Y-yeah.. until then, we should bunker down." Brookly reassured her.

-----------------with darius---------------
Writers' pov:

Darius was on the ground, unconscious.

All alone in the forest, no one was around. He truly was alone.

------time skip cuz idk what to write------

There was a loud screech from a dinosaur that woke Darius.

Another screech came.

"Carnotaurus.." Mumbled Darius.

Darius's pov:

I heard a Carnotaurus roaring, but the more I listened, the more it sounded like a cry.

I crept closer to the source of the cries.
I stood behind a tree. When I looked over to the Carnotaurus, it had a very sharp rock in its leg.

I couldn't just leave it there in pain. I had to help it.

I looked around to see a dead compsognathus.
Poor thing.

I picked it up and approached Carnotaurus.

It growled at me, trying to stand up, but it failed, and it continued laying down.

I dropped the dead compsognathus in front of the Carnotaurus. I stepped over to its leg, it growled, and then ate the dead dinosaur in front of it.

I quickly pulled the rock out and covered the wound with a large leaf to stop the blood loss.

The Carnotaurus looked at me, and I don't know how, but I knew it was thanking me.

I sat down a few meters away from the Carnotaurus. Since it couldn't walk, I wasn't going to leave it to starve.

After a few hours, I could hear its stomach rumbling.

I decided I was going to scavenge for berries and some random dead dinosaur.

It took ages, but I finally came across a dead baby diplodocus.
And with my luck, it was right next to some berries, although I couldn't be sure that they were safe to eat, since the baby hasn't got any injuries, they're probably poison.

I dragged the dead dinosaur back to the Carnotaurus.

While the Carnotaurus ate, I was wondering, I might as well name it until it heals and eats me, right?

Well, judging by the height and colour, it was a male.

"Hm. How about toro?" I said outloud, the Carnotaurus looked at me,  he looked like he was judging my existence.

"Can I call you toro?" I asked him. There were probably a lot better names, but he seemed not to mind, and I guessed that was a yes.

"Well, toro, can you please not eat me while I sleep?" I asked with a chuckle.

It was like I had a connection with toro, I knew what he was feeling, and he was happy, I knew it.
This must have been how Ben and bumpy felt, like friends?

--------------- with the others --------------
Brooklyn's pov:

We were planning to camp on mainstreet, wich we did, we set up a small umbrella base, it wasn't much, but we took the sun umbrellas and tied them into a small dome with some spare rope that we found.

"Goodnight, guys," Sammy sighed.

"Night," kenji said.

We all said goodnight to each other, and then went to bed.

---------- end of chapter one--------

Hope you enjoyed! By the way, if you see/find a mistake of something, you can call me out, my brain is half dead while writing, so ye, chapter two might take a while to come out, but hope you enjoyed. So ye, bye!

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