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????? Pov:

All of the campers were by the fireplace.

"Hey guys?" Asked Sammy.

"Yeah, what's up?" Asked Ben.

Most of the other campers just looked up at her or nodded their head to show her they were listening.

"I feel like I'm being.. watched." She said.

"I have been feeling like that for a while now.." Ben agreed.

"Me too!" Said Kenji.

"Me three.." said Yaz.

Just then, a loud roar came from outside.

Everyone ran back to their huts after giving each other a look.

"Nonono Shhh! Toro!" I said, upset because now they left.

"Wanna go?" I asked.

He roared again.

"Alright, go on," I answered again.

He looked at me, and then at the jungle, then at me again.

"I'll catch up, promis."

With that,he stomped off.

I decided it was time for me to go as well.

For once, I felt like I was the one being watched.

I made some confusing turns, and eventually, I heard something fall out of a tree, with a small squick: "eek!"

I knew it was Ben. He did that every time he fell over.

So.. I ran.

I ran all the way back to the cave.

(If you haven't guessed yet, '????? Pov' was 'Darius's pov')

I sat down in the cave, well, my cave.
It's rather big, it's even got its own rooms!
When u walk in threw the leaves that I tied onto some vines there is the storage right next to you, the if you walk a few steps, there are some more leaves on vines, covering a tunnel down to my bedroom.
In my bedroom, I have a mattress, pillow and towel I stole from the medbay thing, a bedside table with a candel on it, there is a closet in there too, once I snuck into the campers base and got all my stuff back.
if you keep walking past my room, to your Left there are some books from mainstreet, some empty, some actual books.
In the middle of the area there is a vouch, zdont ask me how I got it in here,  I don't know, it was 3am and I was bored, so I stole someone's sofa. If you walk to the end, there is toros room, which is just his bed made of dirt, leaves, grass and vines, if im being honest, it's kinda like a nest he sleeps in.
To your right is a room. If u walk into the room, there is a small table, again, no idea how I got it here, and one chair.
In that room there is also food and water storage.
(Latout in the next chapter)

Kenjis pov:

I was walking around the jungle when I saw someone walking.

So, I followed them.

I kept up behind them.

"Ben?" I asked.

"AHH, SHH KENJI BE QUIET!" He whisper-yelled the last bit.

"Why?" I asked.

"I saw..." he turned back around to look at what he saw, but it wasn't there anymore.

"Dammit," he sighed.

"Whaaaatttt???" I asked, dragging tell "a" out.

"Forget it, go back." He said.

"i cant lose you again!" -benriusWhere stories live. Discover now