Part 1

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Five years later...

It was mid-September, Sehun had already debut in a group called EXO and are currently the hottest group. It was 11 pm, Sehun was heading towards EunHa's parents house, like he always did with the hope that she came home. He rang the doorbell and waited for an answer, the door opened as Minwoo walked out, "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I just wanted to check up to see if you're okay" Sehun said.

"And to see maybe if EunHa came back? She hasn't so why don't you stop coming around here. If we hear anything from her then we'll call you. You know how my family feels about you right now."

"I know. But if you hear anything you have my number" Sehun said before leaving and heading back to his dorm room.

"Hana" a guy called while looking around in the dark for her. "Oppa" she smiled, he turned and saw her standing there. He went to her, wrapping his arm around her, "Kangjun oppa, what's wrong" she asked him.

"Nothing. Let's go home" he said to her. He held her hand as they were walking back to his place. He opened the door and they walked in, "Ah, oppa, I was wondering if we can go to a concert" she asked him. He took off her jacket and hanged it up, "What concert?" he asked.

"EXO. Can we go, please? I already bought the tickets" she asked batting her eyelashes. "Okay" he gave in.

"Thanks oppa" she said and gave him a quick kiss before disappearing into the bedroom. He went in his pocket and pulled out a small black box before walking to the bedroom and saw her lying on the bed already. "Aren't you going to change?" he asked.

"I'm too tired" she answered.

"There's something I want to ask you."

"Can you ask me tomorrow? I'm really tired" she said before turning away. He held the box tighter, "Okay" he said before putting it back in his pocket. He pulled the blanket over her shoulders before getting changed and into bed. The next morning he opened his eyes and saw Hana staring at him, "What are you doing?" he asked with a groggy voice.

"Watching you sleep. You looked so peaceful, what were you dreaming about?"

"You, and me, in the future. We were married with kids."

"That's a nice dream. Mine was about me eating a corn dog. It was weird."

"Let's go get some breakfast" he said while sitting up. She turned to face the ceiling with a long sigh, "I don't want to get up yet" she said. He turned to her with a smile before getting off the bed, he walked around, grabbed her arms and pulled her up, he intertwined his fingers with hers, and started leaning in before she removed her hands from him and covered her mouth. "What happened?" he asked.

"I didn't brush my teeth yet" she said.

"I don't care."

"Well I do" she said before running out the room. He smiled before walking after her.

The EXO guys were at their company practicing for their mini concert tonight. They were really practicing hard to the point that their hair was drenched with sweat and clinging onto their faces and their clothes had sweat stains on it. "Let's take a break" Xiumin said before collapsing to the ground. Suho went to turn the music off while everyone sat down. "Let's do that" Suho said. Sehun went to his bag and pulled out his phone to see if Minwoo called, but there was none. No calls, and no text messages, it has been five years since EunHa disappeared, no one has heard or saw from her since then and people were worried. Her parent's blamed Sehun saying that if he was there, their child would still be with them. Half of him blamed himself too, "Why do you keep checking your phone?" Kai asked him.

"Are you secretly dating someone?" Chanyeol asked. Sehun put his phone back in his bag pack, "No, it's not like that" he said to them.

"Then what?" D.O asked.

"Is it about that girl?" Luhan asked.

"What girl?" everyone asked in unison while staring eagerly at Sehun. "It's nothing" he answered.

"We can get the story from you or Luhan hyung" D.O said.

"There was this girl I dated before I became a trainee, she went missing. That's why I kept looking at my phone. Hoping that she calls me or something" he explained while avoiding eye contact. "How long has it been?" Chen asked.

"Five years" he said, "Her family's the one that's suffering the most."

"I'm sure she's alive somewhere" Lay assured him while patting his back with a smile. Sehun nodded his head while taking in a deep breath.

Hana and Kangjun were getting ready for the concert, she jumped out the room with her arms stretched out, "How do I look?" she asked. He turned to her and stared at her up and down, "Too cute" he said. She was wearing black leggings, an Exo shirt and her hair up in a ponytail.

"Really. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get to meet them."

"You really like them don't you?"

"Yeah. I especially like the maknae" she smiled. He went to go grab her jacket and put in on for her. He pulled her closer to him and zipped her up, their eyes never once left each other. "Let's go" she smiled before skipping out the door. He smiled while turning to the door, he grabbed his jacket and walked out. They got in the car, "To Seoul" she cheered.

"To Seoul" he repeated while putting the key in the ignition. When they got to the concert venue, there was a long line of fans waiting to get in.

Backstage, EXO was already getting dressed and everything. Time was drawing near to when the concert started, fans were already allowed to walk in and take their seats. They could hear the eagerness of their fans from backstage. Suho, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun went to go peek to see how much fans showed up. They ran back to tell the other members the news, "It's a full house" Baekhyun said. When it was time, they walked out on stage as the audience went wild. "Oppa, it's them" Hana said hitting his arm in excitement. During the whole concert the fans were chanting their names and calling out towards them. When their mini concert was done the fans were dispersing to go home, Hana was outside while Kangjun went to get the car. All the fans had left already, leaving just her on the sidewalk. The EXO members were coming out from the back when Sehun spotted her. "EunHa?" he whispered when he saw her. She turned so he could clearly see her face. "Kim EunHa" he said louder before walking towards her and pulling her into his arms. "EunHa, I missed you" he said while hugging her tighter. Hana looked around weirdly before pushing him off. "My name's Hana" she corrected him.

"Sorry, you just really look like someone I know" he apologized.

"Your girlfriend?" she asked.

"Something like that."

"Aren't you Oh Sehun from EXO? I'm a fan" she smiled.

"Jinja? Thanks for supporting us. Are you alone?"

"No, I'm waiting for my boyfriend. We're heading back to Gwangju" she replied. Kangjun came out the car and walked towards them. He put his arm around Hana, "Oppa, this is Sehun from EXO" she said. Kangjun looked at him, "We're having a fan signing tomorrow. Why don't you come, you can personally meet the members" Sehun said.

"I'd love to. Thanks" Hana said before handing him her phone so he can put the information in. He gave it back to her, "Bye" she waved. He waved back before they climbed in the car. "I can't believe I just met, the Oh Sehun and tomorrow I'm going to meet the rest of the EXO members" she squealed, "It's weird because when we met he called me Kim EunHa and said I looked like her. I bet she's pretty."

"Kim EunHa. That's weird" he laughed nervously.

"That's a cute name. Kim EunHa, maybe she dated him."

"Let's not talk about that" Kangjun said before putting the keys in the ignition and pulling away.

Sehun climbed in the van and took his seat, "Who was that girl you were talking too?" Baekhyun asked.

"A fan" he answered.

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