Part 6

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Rebecca is at convenient store with her college friends. They decided to get some food here in their break time. She grab her usual go to food which is sandwich and orange juice while her friends get some junk foods.

She stop in one isle for a moment and pick some instant coffee too. She suddenly thought of Freen when she saw it. She feel bad that there are things that Freen needs that is not available at home. She made a mental note on her head to ask Freen about her needs so they can add them in their grocery list next time.

"I thought you don't like instant?" Her friend Miggy asked.

"This is not for me."

"Who is it for?"

"For Freen." She simply replied and fall in line to pay her stuff in the cashier.

"Your step sister?"

She stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"Its Freen."

"Ah, yes! Freen. Freen not a step sister. Got it! Sorry." He giggle. He knows what is up between Freen and her, he just want to tease Rebecca.

She did not react to that. She knows that if she reacts  Miggy would tease her more. She paid for her stuff and wait for their other friends in the corner.

"So, are you still messing with her?" Miggy wispher.


"Freen. Unless you have new one."

"Hmm.. not sure. I thought it would be nice to play along but she's been avoiding me. Its little bit hard now."

"Is she playing hard to get?"

"I don't think so."

"Oh, I see. She is messing with you."

Miggy looked at her. They both know this game so well. They meet because they once flirted with each other its just that they quickly realize that they are better off as friends. Some would not understand their relationship but for them, its just makes sense that they are together with their platonic love.

"Honestly, I do not care 'cause I think I like her. I would like to know how far we could go cause nothing is certain at this point. Maybe I just like her for now but would eventually get bored. Who knows, right?" She said as she struggle to open her orange juice.

"Or you might fall too. Be careful. It will become complicated when you get too serious." Miggy saw that she is struggling so he help her open it then hand it back to her.

"Thanks." She smile at him.

Their friends approached them from the distance.

"Lets go lovers." Their friends tease them. They used to this kind of teasing. They just don't have energy to correct them all the time. They just let them be.


As usual, Freen got home late that day. She saw a plastic bag hanging to the door knob of her room. She peak on the bag and saw packs of instant coffee.

She smile.

Ugh! I need this!

She quickly went back downstair and make herself an instant coffee. She prefer this more than that fancy espresso coffee she had the other day. As weird as it might sound but truth is, her body crave for an instant coffee before sleep specially when she had alcohol. It helps her fall to sleep and relax.

"Oh, Freen... you still up?" Richard pop up out of nowhere.

"Yes. I just got home." She replied and awkwardly smile at him.

He just nods.

"Is there any problem at school?" He ask as he slowly approach her.

"No." She said stiring the cup of coffee.

"Hmm... boys?"


"Everything alright?" He look genuinely concern and ready to listen but Freen still feel awkward with this kind of conversation.

"Yes. Nothing to worry." She smile again and sip the coffee.

"Okay. I was just checking cause I notice you keep coming home late."

"Sorry. Is there a curfew at your home?" She sounded sarcastic but Richard disregard this and smile.

"No. Absolutely no curfew. Just want to make sure that you feel at home. Also, you can call the driver to fetch you when you can not drive. " His intention is clear. He want to set up good relationship between him and the daughter of the one he love.

Freen just nod and look away. She wanted to end this cheesy conversation so much.

"Are you getting along with my daughter Rebecca?"

She looked back at him. There is something about how he call Rebecca as 'my daughter' that is so sweet and endearing that reflects his fatherly love towards Rebecca. There is sudden guilt that crawl up to her chest thinking how she and Rebecca is playing fire behind their parent's back.

"I know that she could be a handful sometimes but I hope you two would get along. I don't know if you would want a sister like her but atleast I was hoping you two could be friends."

"It may take time to adjust but I will try to be friends with her." She said that but there is some sort of hesitation in her heart.

"Good. Good to know. Thank you, Freen. I really appreaciate it."

Freen just nod and look away.

She remain quiet and that is Richard's cue to left her alone as he already communicated what he wants to tell her.

She remain in her seat with her coffee. Her mind just went blank after the conversation and that is new to her. She always has million things running through her head but this time her mind is calm.

It is weird that her mind is now quiet and calm.

Is it the coffee?
Is it the alcohol?
Or the combination of both?

Or maybe because Mr. Smith's love for his daughter reminds her about her Dad?

The next day, she approach Rebecca before their breakfast.

"Hey, do you have time?" She asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Can we talk for a bit."

She looked surprised but then just shrugged her shoulder like it is not a big deal.


"Your Dad talked to me last night. He was asking for us to be friends."


Guide me to the Moon - Project #3 (Freen and Becky re-imagined stories)Where stories live. Discover now