The incident

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(Btw Donnie is sensitive to loud noises and doesn't really like to be touched)

*No ones  pov*

It was like any other day, raph and Leo were fighting as usual mikey was just watching but what Leo and raph didn't know was that donnie had been sitting with mikey with a few tears in his eyes, he didn't like watching his brothers fight.

After 2 minutes Leo grabbed his sword and raph grabbed his sais, raph was running up on leo but leo teleported out of the way. When leo disappeared raph couldn't slow down fast enough, he closed his eyes preparing to run into something but then he bumped into someone. After he bumped into them he felt something going down his hand as he opened his eyes he saw Leo and mikey starring in shock, raph looked at his hand and what he saw wasn't what he expected.

*leos pov*
I starred over at raph in shock, raph looked down at his hand and saw blood. As I looked back over to Donnie mikey ran out of the room to get the first aid kit, Raph and I looked over at the purple masked soft shell holding his now bleeding arm. Mikey came back to Donnie with the aid kit and asked me to come help, while that was happening I see Donnie look over to where raph was with a confused like expression. I look over to where Donnie was looking and seen raph wasn't there anymore... Once me and mikey finished and helped Donnie up he stumbled before running out of the room. We tried to run after him but when we turned the corner he was gone.....

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