idk(second chapter)

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*Paimon falls asleep*
Aether: Is there a room for me and Paimon to sleep until tomorrow?
Xiao: Yes, but you will need to sleep with me, because that's a little room. Is it okay for you?
Aether: Umm.. yeah ig.
Xiao: Good.
*Xiao takes Paimon to the room*
Aether: *yawns*..ahh~, i'm so sleepy now..
*Xiao blushes*
Xiao: Let's go to sleep then.
*Xiao and Aether walk into the room*
Xiao: Are you comfortable without pajamas?
Aether: Mhh~, yeahh..
Xiao: ...
Xiao's mind: shit..
Xiao: Aether, for how long we know eachother?
Aether: Uhh~...I think..2 years?
Xiao's mind: That's it...i can't wait any longer.
*Xiao pushes Aether into the wall*
Aether: Xiao?..What are you doing?

🐞🩷✌️Heyy, i hope you will read the next chapter too!!
(134 words used)

Xiao x Aether +18🙈Where stories live. Discover now