Side Chapter: Heart Strings

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Yuichi Usagi and Leonardo sat next to each other on a picnic bench, surrounded by nature, just like Usagi liked it. Ever since Leo saved his life in battle the two had been friends for a while, both of them having mutual enjoyment for music and fun. From afar, it looked like they were having a warm conversation. But no, it was much more chaotic than what it needed to be. Thanks to the medicine that Usagi was on, which caused him to be loopy and out of control.

"So, what you're saying is that you will be my husband?" Usagi asked curiously, Leo hiding his face in his hands. "N-no, rabbit, that's not what I meant-"
"See, you hide your face when you don't want me to see you get embarrassed! Now stop lying and marry me!"

Leo groaned and stood up. "Do you ever give up? I've been telling you no for months!" Usagi sighed and took his hands in his, bringing them to his face. One of his paws was bandaged, along with one of his legs. "Leonardo-san, you know you love me! Auntie loves you, and so do I! If the problem is because of my dashing good looks, then I can tone it down a bit!"
Leo snickered and shook his head. "No silly, we haven't even started dating!" Usagi gasped and smiled. "Ohh. Well then, date me!"

The turtle blushed and sighed dramatically, pretending to think hard about this. The rabbit watched closely as he theatrically paced around, humming to himself. "Hmmm yeah, alright."

Usagi swooned, falling back slowly. Leo gasped and caught him, holding him up as best as he could. "Rabbit? Did...Did you faint?"

Usagi opened his eyes and smiled widely, slinging his arms around the turtle's neck. "No, my heart just exploded! Now will you marry me? Now that we're dating?"

Leo deadpanned. "Wait, that's-"

"Marry me, now. Or I'll scream."

"W-wait, what? No, obviously don't scream-!"

The rabbit fell to his knees dramatically and held his arms up to the sky, screaming loudly. "MARRY MEEEE!!"

He sobbed and latched onto Leo's leg, grabbing the attention of other people that were at the park. Leo groaned and tried to shake him off, but he wouldn't let go. He slowly slumped onto the ground, sniffling. "Kusa wa naze murasakiirona no kaaaa...?"

Leo frantically reached for his translation book, flipping through the pages. He finally saw it and was confused. "What in the world do you mean, 'why is the grass purple'???"'

Usagi sobbed even louder and buried his face and Leo's medic shirt. "Onegaishimasu!!" Meaning 'please'. Leo groaned again and stood him up. "Okay okay, I'll...I'll marry you! Just stop screaming and crying, okay?"

The rabbit's eyes widened. "Can we go pick flowers, now?"
Leo nodded and wiped the tears from Usagi's eyes. "Yes, yes, we can do whatever you want! Just please, pleasee stop crying." He gave a silly smile and nodded back. God, Leo couldn't get enough of that smile. He knew it was just the meds talking, making the rabbit act this way. But Leo couldn't help but feel his heart beat race and his skin grow warm at the thought that this beautiful creature might actually love him.
Usagi saw something change in his eyes, tilting his head to the side. "Leonardo? Do you not want to pick the flowers?"

The turtle cleared this throat and picked one up to give it to him, attempting to distract him from the subject. The rabbit gasped and took it gingerly, a soft smile on his face. "Oh, pretty! Kokonotsu hoshī!"

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